Are you sitting here considering home education? Perhaps you have been building up to this moment after a long history through primary school into secondary – and realise that things are just not working out for your child. At first, it can feel quite isolating. But rest assured, you have options. It’s worth thinking through […]
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Posts Tagged ‘stress’
Does Praise Motivate or Can it Backfire?
Thursday, January 4th, 2024Do you praise your child to motivate them? Are your well-meaning comments sometimes rejected? Don’t worry. Children – just like us – are complex creatures who can struggle with their self-worth at the best of times. And because schools can be a hotbed of competition and rivalry, a child’s journey through school is often a […]
When Can Tuition Make a Difference?
Saturday, May 6th, 2023Have you ever considered private tuition, but decided to wait and see what will happen first? Many parents opt for this approach first hoping that the situation improves by itself, that things will just fall into place, that the problem is just a one off and will resolve itself over time. It’s understandable. Always good […]
Is your child really ready for the new term?
Wednesday, July 29th, 2020Does the thought of a new term worry you? Has your child struggled like mad the past few months? Is your child prepared to take on new challenges? Are entrance or final GCSEs or A Level exams looming? With the Covid-19 pandemic severely affecting education, there is no doubt that our children will have experienced […]
Is your child too self-critical?
Thursday, January 26th, 2017Has your child ever said, ‘I’m rubbish,‘ ‘I’m such an idiot,‘ or ‘I’m useless’? Sadly, it’s far too common – and can be so upsetting to hear. What’s causing this confidence dip? And what can you do about it? Teenagers are bombarded by media images promoting perfection and the important of success. Meanwhile at school, the endless drive […]