One of the biggest fears children in education have is fear of the unknown. Will exams be on, won’t they? Will I be prepared for the future, won’t I? Am I taking the right or wrong GCSE/A Level options? The truth is, none of us can second guess what the future holds. Instead of feeling […]
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Posts Tagged ‘preparing for exams’
How long should I spend revising?
Wednesday, April 17th, 2013It’s only a few weeks until GCSE and A Level exams, with many starting in mid May and running until mid June. It’s when our students start to turn their minds to revision. The most frequent question we get from students is when they should start revising. They also want to know how and what […]
Exams – what happens if it all goes wrong?
Thursday, July 12th, 2012If you are in Year 10 (or your child is) then they are probably right in the middle of taking GCSE exams. Next year will be one of the most significant years of your life – when you will sit the majority of your GCSEs. What happens during that year can determine where you go […]
Please help me revise! Part 2
Friday, May 18th, 2012In Part 1 of this blog we dealt with some of the common reasons that our students get fed up with revising. We know now is a really important time for revision and so we’ll tackle some of the other problems we hear our students are having with exam revision motivation. I’m finding revision boring so always […]
Please help me revise! Part 1.
Thursday, May 17th, 2012This month we hit exams and it’s serious revision time for all students especially GCSE, A2 and A Level students. But it’s also the time of year when most people struggle with revision. We asked some of our students why they find revising particularly hard – do you relate to any of these answers? – […]
Do tutors just help people pass exams?
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012At 121 Home Tutors we get all kinds of calls and emails asking for private tutoring help – from the parents of a primary school child already falling behind with Maths to 11 plus tutoring and A Level one on one tuition. Most people come to us because they have an end goal in mind […]
Revision over Christmas
Monday, December 19th, 2011The festive season is almost here and it’s a lovely long two-week break for students to relax and recover after a hard first term. But lots of students have exams as soon as they get back in January so although time off is important it’s also vital to set up some revision and study time […]
Top tips to help you cope on exam day
Monday, June 6th, 2011If you are doing your GCSE, iGCSE, AS or A2 then this is going to be a very busy time for you. Exam season is now in full swing and you’ve probably got a calendar full of revision and exams. This month we’ll be focussing on exams and how to get through them, bringing you […]
Entrance tests – how to cope on the day
Tuesday, December 28th, 2010The new year will signal the start of entrance exams for independent schools. So you’ve read our revision tips blog and have been working hard with your child over the Christmas break. The big day (or days!) is here, how do help your child cope? Preparation is important The school will have sent you a […]
How to get the best from your tutor
Friday, November 19th, 2010At 121 Home Tutors we know our students get the most out of tutoring when they are on the same wavelength as their tutor. But how do you make sure you have a good relationship with your tutor and what can you do when things go wrong? Here to help Remember your tutor is there […]