Exam questions… What exactly are they asking you to do? The trick is to know the range of command words… Students we tutor at 121 Home Tutors in Manchester are ALWAYS saying that they get themselves into a right old pickle as they are not sure HOW to answer exam questions. Obviously there are a […]
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Posts Tagged ‘maths’
Crack Those Exam Questions Without Time Wasting
Monday, August 29th, 2022Are You Worried Your Child Is Lagging Behind?
Tuesday, June 28th, 2022One of the biggest worries parents have is their child falling behind in primary school. Sometimes it feels like they are on a slippery slope… A recent study concluded that primary school children reaching expected levels has fallen sharply due to the global pandemic. All year groups are affected – from reception up to GCSE […]
Is your child sitting SATs?
Saturday, April 14th, 2018Sitting exams is an inevitable fact of school life. The two key tests at Primary level are the Year 2 and Year 6 SATs. As a parent, it’s natural to worry about how your child might do. However, it’s important not to be over-anxious about them. Primary school can be a tough environment for our children anyway. […]
New National Curriculum Changes September 2014
Monday, September 8th, 2014All change at the start of the new school year in Manchester and Cheshire. From Key Stage 1 through to KS3, there are new programmes of study as well as testing arrangements across all the core subjects. That means changes in English, Maths, Science – as well as IT/Computing, Languages and other subjects. Billed as […]
Numeracy skills add up to good job prospects
Thursday, November 15th, 2012When was the last time you had to do a bit of mental arithmetic at work? Tot up your hours for a timesheet? Understand a graph or chart for a presentation? Last week the BBC reported that 17 million working age people in England have only primary school level maths skills and there are fears […]
Private tutoring can make maths fun!
Tuesday, February 15th, 2011When you think of Maths and private tuition then fun probably isn’t what springs to mind. But at 121 Home Tutors one of our most requested subjects for private tutoring across Manchester and Cheshire is Maths. Basic numeracy underpins everything we do – from our weekly shop to paying bills but children often find it […]
Top Exam Tips Part 1: GCSE Maths Help
Sunday, December 13th, 2009Are your kids ready for their GCSE exams? Or are they finding some subjects, like Maths, a bit challenging? Although we’re in the run-up to Christmas, now’s the time to be getting their heads around subjects they are struggling with.
What to look for in a maths tutor
Tuesday, November 17th, 2009Formal education A good maths tutor will need to have a good understanding and knowledge of the material that s/he is tutoring and so it’s important that they have a strong formal background in mathematics. When teaching young children, of primary school age, a tutor with at least a GCSE grade C in maths would […]
What to look for in a private tutor
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009The Daily Telegraph Independent Schools supplement (19th Sept 2009) had a few handy hints on tracking down and hiring a private tutor. They include: Using a trusted website like 121hometutors, where you can get a specialised, matched tutor recommendation and read what other parents say about the tutors. Focusing on one or two subjects at […]