A level results day! The day you find out whether you’ll be off to your first choice university. For some of you, who haven’t quite made the grade, don’t panic. You can find an alternative place through Clearing. But what if you smashed your predicted grades, achieving higher than you ever thought possible? It happens […]
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Posts Tagged ‘Getting into University’
What if your A level results are better than expected?
Monday, August 11th, 2014Year 13, UCAS Applications – time to decide which university is right for you
Wednesday, October 12th, 2011If you are in Year 13 and deciding about your next step after A Levels then you are probably in the midst of completing your UCAS application form. It maybe that you’ve already decided what you want to study and where you want to go. But if you are struggling with the decision then here […]
100,000 students drop out of university
Wednesday, September 21st, 2011This month will see about half a million students start a university course in the UK. This is the last entry year before many universities will introduce higher fees (some at £9k or more a year) and the number of applications to universities rose sharply. Many missed out on places but did you know every […]
Tutoring helping children secure Oxbridge places
Wednesday, September 7th, 2011The Independent recently revealed that more than 100 states schools are paying a private company to tutor their brightest pupils on how to get a place at Oxford or Cambridge. This news has come at the same time as a report from the Sutton Trust that shows that most people who get places at Oxford […]
How do I get a place to do Medicine at University?
Thursday, August 11th, 2011If you want to study Medicine at university then you have to be ready for some fierce competition. There are only a handful of universities that offer medicine and it is an academically demanding course that tests even those with the best grades. But many students who intend on applying to do medicine fall down […]
Tutoring gets children into Oxford and Cambridge
Friday, February 25th, 2011Xaverian College in Rusholme, Manchester has hit the headlines because 12 pupils have been offered places to study at Oxford and Cambridge. At the moment about eight per cent of pupils in Britain attend private schools. That small percentage makes up about half of those who get places at Oxford and Cambridge. Peter Birch, Assistant […]
A-level results day – what if you don’t get the grades?
Wednesday, August 18th, 2010A Level results are out, and students will be celebrating – or in a state of high anxiety. If you’ve missed out on the A2 grades you needed to get into your first choice of university you could be facing problems, as this is set to be one of the most competitive years for clearing ever. In this post we offer tips on the options available – the clearing process, retakes or even not going to university