Is your child ready for Secondary School? Nerves galore can strike as a new term approaches, especially because big changes happen all at the same time. New faces, new buildings to navigate, new systems to follow, new friends to make. Everything can seem daunting as your son or daughter takes the leap from Primary into […]
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Archive for the ‘Secondary school’ Category
Take a Smoother Step to Secondary School
Tuesday, June 29th, 2021Have you set your academic goals yet?
Thursday, September 5th, 2019If you had a bad school year, dipped last term, failed an exam, didn’t do as well as expected or just simply didn’t get your act together, guess what? You can wipe the slate clean and start again. It’s never too late to start! Though it seems daunting at first, if you take practical action […]
How to study successfully without dropping grades
Friday, November 9th, 2018Just how DO you study? It’s surprising how many teenagers simply just don’t know. Revise this, revise that. But what does that really mean? What strategies should you be nailing? The BIG problem with studying is? Distractions! They’re everywhere. Social media, videos, texts, surfing the Internet… Before you know it, you’re stalling – wasting precious […]
Eat your way to success
Thursday, October 4th, 2018It’s shocking to think that British kids are some of the unhealthiest children in the world. In fact, recent statistics show that (23.6%) of children in reception are obese or overweight. Really?? The truth is, our children consume twice the recommended daily sugar intake. Even though the sugar tax will help to reduce this, the […]
Summer Term Results a Wake-Up Call?
Tuesday, July 11th, 2017No parent wants to admit that their child is struggling with a subject or behind. But the facts speak for themselves… Year 10 and 12 students often face mock exams in the summer term – only to find they are not where they need to be. With two full terms to go before, panic can […]
Could school cuts cost your child’s education?
Monday, February 6th, 2017Education is facing a financial crisis. With the government shake-up of funding announced recently, could Manchester and Cheshire schools be affected? Local headteachers say yes! You might have seen alarming reports about the prospect of a four-day school week as heads consider ways to balance the budget. Whether this comes to fruition remains to be seen. What is […]
How to choose a secondary school
Monday, October 20th, 2014If you are one of hundreds of parents across Manchester and Cheshire choosing a secondary school for your child, you’ll know it can be a tough decision. Nowadays, it’s not just a case of proximity. Although how near you live to the school gates is often an admissions criteria important to consider. With organised open […]
Shorter school holidays make for more successful students
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013Last month Michael Gove, Education Minister, argued that pupils in England should spend more hours in school each day and have shorter holidays. Speaking at an education conference he said that the most successful education system (in East Asia) has both longer days and fewer holidays. He argues that our education system was designed to […]
State, independent, religious – what will you choose?
Thursday, March 14th, 2013On 1st March Year 6 students found out which secondary school they will be going to. In the news last week Nick and Miriam Clegg announced that their son will go a state catholic school. This has caused some controversy, as Nick Clegg has been vocal about the fact he is an atheist. However, his […]
Secondary school – did you get your first choice?
Wednesday, March 6th, 2013On 1st March Year 6 primary school children found out which secondary school they will be going to. Some local authorities report that over 90% of children were allocated their first place school. But data from 2011 shows those numbers vary depending on where you live. For many parents and children not getting into their […]