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Archive for the ‘GCSE’ Category

Understanding GCSE Core Science – Part 2

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

In our previous post we looked at the basic structure of GCSE Core Science. To give you child the best possible support during his or her Core Science studies, it’s worth understanding exactly how it all works in detail. The most important thing is to establish the exact specification your child is following. Most of […]

Understanding GCSE Core Science – Part 1

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

Understanding ‘How Science Works’ – as in how the combination of science GCSE specifications interlink – is almost worth a GCSE in itself! The way Science is examined at GCSE level has become horrendously complicated with numerous choices of exam boards, variations of syllabuses within and between exam boards, and choices of when to take […]

Get to grips with English Literature GCSE

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

In our last post we looked at some tips and tricks for success at GCSE English. Today it’s the turn of GCSE English Literature. It’s important to clear up the confusion that exists between the two subjects. GCSE English is a compulsory subject for school students. It covers a range of skills that are broadly […]

English GCSE: Improve Your Child’s Chances

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Getting a good result in GCSE English can be surprisingly difficult, even if your kids are very bright when it comes to other GCSE subjects like Maths and Science. The main reason for this is that there isn’t much in the way of actual revision you can do. Unlike subjects like the sciences and History, […]

Top Exam Tips Part 2: GCSE Languages

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

In our last post on boosting your child’s exam chances we looked at some GCSE Maths tips. Today it’s the turn of a subject area that many mums and dads find no less scary – modern foreign languages.

Top Exam Tips Part 1: GCSE Maths Help

Sunday, December 13th, 2009

Are your kids ready for their GCSE exams? Or are they finding some subjects, like Maths, a bit challenging? Although we’re in the run-up to Christmas, now’s the time to be getting their heads around subjects they are struggling with.

GCSE English – tutor tips for learning

Friday, November 6th, 2009

GCSE English is one of our most popular private tutor requests, with lots of tutors wanted near exam time. Many students love the topic but become overwhelmed when it comes to exam time, this is often because they aren’t sure what the examiner is looking for. So our GCSE English tutors put their heads together […]