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Archive for the ‘GCSE’ Category

How long should I spend revising?

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

It’s only a few weeks until GCSE and A Level exams, with many starting in mid May and running until mid June. It’s when our students start to turn their minds to revision. The most frequent question we get from students is when they should start revising. They also want to know how and what […]

Changes to GCSE scrapped

Monday, February 11th, 2013

In October we wrote two blogs about the changes to GCSEs proposed by the Government – changing from the well-known system to a controversial new English Baccalaureate qualification. In some camps the changes were welcomed, with many liking the idea of a more rigorous approach to education at 11-16 and a return to more exams […]

GCSEs to be replaced by EBacc – Part Two

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

Last month it was announced that GCSEs are going to be replaced by a new qualification, the EBacc or English Baccalaureate. Last week we gave you some information on the changes and what they might mean for your child and this week we’ll continue helping you understand how the changes might affect your child. Our […]

GCSEs to be replaced by EBacc – Part One

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

In the last few weeks, a huge shakeup of the secondary education system has been announced. Michael Gove, Education Secretary, announced that GSCEs will be scrapped and a new English Baccalaureate qualification will be introduced from 2017. The EBacc is seen as more academically rigorous and is being introduced as a way to regain confidence […]

Exams – what happens if it all goes wrong?

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

If you are in Year 10 (or your child is) then they are probably right in the middle of taking GCSE exams. Next year will be one of the most significant years of your life – when you will sit the majority of your GCSEs. What happens during that year can determine where you go […]

Changes to GCSE

Monday, April 16th, 2012

This year we will start to see changes to GCSEs, moving away from modular schemes and the opportunity for multiple resits back to a linear (terminal) exam system where all exams are taken in one sitting at the end of the course. These changes have come out a lack of confidence in the GCSE qualification […]

Revision over Christmas

Monday, December 19th, 2011

The festive season is almost here and it’s a lovely long two-week break for students to relax and recover after a hard first term. But lots of students have exams as soon as they get back in January so although time off is important it’s also vital to set up some revision and study time […]

Top tips to help you cope on exam day

Monday, June 6th, 2011

If you are doing your GCSE, iGCSE, AS or A2 then this is going to be a very busy time for you. Exam season is now in full swing and you’ve probably got a calendar full of revision and exams. This month we’ll be focussing on exams and how to get through them, bringing you […]

Revision doesn’t have to be boring

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

We’re now well into the Easter break  and it’s about this time most of our tutoring students are thoroughly fed up of looking at their notes.  At 121 Home Tutors we know tutoring works because we can do things differently than in a classroom. And in celebration of that (and the joy of revision!) we […]

Maths GCSE revision tips

Monday, March 28th, 2011

It’s just a few weeks until Easter (can you believe it!) and that means revision season is on us once again. Over the next few weeks you’ll see lots of hints and tips from 121 Home Tutors on how to get the most from your revision. This week we’ll focus on a particular subject area. […]