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Archive for the ‘Problems at school’ Category

Do you think you need a private tutor?

Friday, May 3rd, 2019

How do you know if your child needs a private tutor? Is it obvious, or are there some telltale signs to watch out for? Interestingly, some children make it clear that they are struggling at school when they are negative about a subject, have special needs, or if their grades suddenly nosedive. Perhaps you have […]

Why it is vital to learn reading skills for exam success

Wednesday, March 6th, 2019

Hot on the heels of our popular recent post on Dyslexia, we’re back to help your child access reading and harness helpful tools. One of the biggest problems our 121 tutor team come across is children who struggle to process information – and therefore answer questions correctly under exam conditions. Some children sitting SATs, Entrance […]

Smart ways to beat bullies

Friday, November 30th, 2018

Being bullied is one of the most miserable experiences that can happen to you at school. Sadly, far too many young people have to face this every day. Bullies target anyone – whether you’re different, have religious beliefs, skin/hair colour, where you come from, your gender, size, or sexual orientation. Some even target you if […]