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Archive for the ‘Primary’ Category

Numeracy skills add up to good job prospects

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

When was the last time you had to do a bit of mental arithmetic at work? Tot up your hours for a timesheet?  Understand a graph or chart for a presentation?  Last week the BBC reported that 17 million working age people in England have only primary school level maths skills and there are fears […]

What to do over the summer holidays – Primary

Friday, July 20th, 2012

If you have children in primary school then you are probably already in the summer holidays or fast approaching them. If your child is in reception then this could be the first time that you are faced with six weeks trying to keep your child occupied. We thought we’d round up a few ways to […]

End of term reports – what do they mean?

Monday, June 25th, 2012

It’s just a few weeks until the end of the academic year and that means school reports will soon be coming home. A school report is a good time to reflect on your child’s progress over the year and start to identify any areas where improvements could be made. At 121 Home Tutors we often […]

Moving from primary to secondary school

Friday, June 15th, 2012

In just a few weeks thousands of children will be leaving primary school for the last time as they move up to secondary school in September. This is a major change for most children as they have been in the same environment for the last 5 or 6 years. So what can you do to […]

Helping your child with phonics

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

In the next few weeks 5 and 6 year olds across England will be tested to check their phonics reading ability. One of the leading teaching unions is calling for a boycott of the tests saying that it might make 5 year olds feel like they are a failure and devastate their confidence at an […]

Is there ever a stupid question?

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

New research suggests that secondary school pupils are so scared of looking stupid in maths lessons they will not tell their teachers if they do not understand. The survey found that most children would rather ask friends or family than risk the embarrassment of getting the answer wrong and many felt like they should already […]

Do tutors just help people pass exams?

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

At 121 Home Tutors we get all kinds of calls and emails asking for private tutoring help – from the parents of a primary school child already falling behind with Maths to 11 plus tutoring and A Level one on one tuition. Most people come to us because they have an end goal in mind […]

August babies less likely to go to University

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

If you are the mum or dad of an August baby then you probably well remember that first day at the school gate, watching your four year old go bustling along with children months older them. You may be the parent of a child who has just started school and you are suddenly acutely aware […]

Do I really need a tutor for my primary-aged child?

Friday, July 8th, 2011

This month we’re exploring tutoring for primary school children. The idea of tutoring very young children makes some people nervous – to them it smacks of hot-housing and they’d prefer to keep their children as children. We absolutely agree that kids should enjoy their childhood. But we also hear from parents how trouble at school […]

Private tutoring can make maths fun!

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

When you think of Maths and private tuition then fun probably isn’t what springs to mind. But at 121 Home Tutors one of our most requested subjects for private tutoring across Manchester and Cheshire is Maths. Basic numeracy underpins everything we do – from our weekly shop to paying bills but children often find it […]