A disappointing report. Has this happened to your child too? The end of a school year or term doesn’t always round off positively. End of KS3 or GCSE progress reports might flag up worrying issues of concern. In short, something is wrong. Something is stopping your child from reaching their potential. Instead of that feeling […]
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Archive for the ‘Personalised Learning’ Category
Unlock Lost Potential In Your Teenager Now
Sunday, July 28th, 2024Was lockdown learning a disaster for your child?
Tuesday, September 27th, 2022It came out of the blue… All of a sudden learning transferred to home. However best we all coped in that unprecedented pandemic, students took the biggest hit. As we explored in our lockdown post at the time, remote learning on such a huge scale didn’t work for everyone. Work was set remotely, and although […]
Why do I have to study Maths?
Wednesday, August 5th, 2020Far from being on the curriculum to torture children’s brains, Maths is a crucial part of life. You can’t go shopping, cook, drive, run a business, travel, do DIY, divide a pizza, buy a house or tell the time without applying a mathematical concept. And yet interestingly, humans have been using Maths since early man […]
The Perks of Personalised Learning
Thursday, June 4th, 2020If you’ve ever had a personal trainer, been taught a musical instrument, or had driving lessons, you’ll know what a difference it makes when an expert is at hand to tackle your problems head on. Imagine instead trying to learn something tricky without help… It’s the same for our children. When teachers rattle through a […]