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Archive for the ‘Learning Support’ Category

Is tutoring too tiring?

Monday, December 16th, 2013

Over the last few months there have been lots of reports that tutoring can be damaging to children. Just this month one headmaster said private tutoring overloads children with work and makes them too tired. If you’re thinking about hiring a private tutor how do you ensure it’s a positive experience that benefits your child? […]

The Child Driven education

Monday, May 13th, 2013

TED is an organisation devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It’s a fantastic resource for students (and teachers) to watch inspirational speakers talk about a variety of topics. We recently came across educational researcher Sugata Mitra talking at TED about children and teaching. “There are places on earth, in every country, where, for various reasons, good […]

Summer study schools

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

With the summer holidays fast approaching (just a couple of months away)  you might be thinking about how you can encourage your child to keep on studying, stay ahead of the crowd or catch up on a subject they have struggled with during the academic year. If you are doing A Level or at University, […]

Is there ever a stupid question?

Thursday, March 8th, 2012

New research suggests that secondary school pupils are so scared of looking stupid in maths lessons they will not tell their teachers if they do not understand. The survey found that most children would rather ask friends or family than risk the embarrassment of getting the answer wrong and many felt like they should already […]

Tutoring and Dyslexia

Friday, July 30th, 2010

We get several enquiries from parents of children with mild to moderate dyslexia wondering if we can help, and whether or not tutoring is effective for children with the kinds of difficulties with literacy associated with dyslexia. The short answer is yes – we can almost always help. However, we do come across a few common questions, answered in this article