One of the biggest worries parents have is their child falling behind in primary school. Sometimes it feels like they are on a slippery slope… A recent study concluded that primary school children reaching expected levels has fallen sharply due to the global pandemic. All year groups are affected – from reception up to GCSE […]
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Archive for the ‘Dyslexia’ Category
Are You Worried Your Child Is Lagging Behind?
Tuesday, June 28th, 2022Is my child dyslexic?
Tuesday, August 25th, 2020Have you ever wondered if your child is dyslexic? Sometimes, it can be hard to tell as it’s common for children to misspell words, forget things, dislike reading, be disorganised, struggle to write neatly.. Plus, because Dyslexia can manifest itself in multiple ways and affect children differently, some young people are labelled for years as […]
Why it is vital to learn reading skills for exam success
Wednesday, March 6th, 2019Hot on the heels of our popular recent post on Dyslexia, we’re back to help your child access reading and harness helpful tools. One of the biggest problems our 121 tutor team come across is children who struggle to process information – and therefore answer questions correctly under exam conditions. Some children sitting SATs, Entrance […]
How to help your Dyslexic child achieve at home
Friday, January 25th, 2019If you have a Dyslexic child at primary or secondary school, you will know that education can be quite a battleground. Here are some common problems experienced by students and parents, with some helpful tips from our super tutor team across Manchester and Cheshire. Problem 1: Schoolwork and homework takes longer This in itself can spill […]
Tutoring and Dyslexia
Friday, July 30th, 2010We get several enquiries from parents of children with mild to moderate dyslexia wondering if we can help, and whether or not tutoring is effective for children with the kinds of difficulties with literacy associated with dyslexia. The short answer is yes – we can almost always help. However, we do come across a few common questions, answered in this article