A disappointing report. Has this happened to your child too? The end of a school year or term doesn’t always round off positively. End of KS3 or GCSE progress reports might flag up worrying issues of concern. In short, something is wrong. Something is stopping your child from reaching their potential. Instead of that feeling […]
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Archive for the ‘Holiday Tuition’ Category
Unlock Lost Potential In Your Teenager Now
Sunday, July 28th, 2024Get Ahead with Holiday Tuition
Sunday, June 5th, 2022There’s been a huge upsurge in parents asking for holiday tuition. And little wonder too. School time isn’t all about lessons. Children have more of an extra-curricular life than ever before. From after-school clubs and sports fixtures to school plays, camps or visits, time is squeezed during the school year. Holidays, while much needed chill-out […]
Thinking of arranging tuition? Why it pays to think ahead
Friday, July 5th, 2019The school year seems to whizz past so fast, doesn’t it? Before you know it, a new term arrives and you’re just not ready for it. Panic stations to sort out uniform, stationery, satchels etc.. When it comes to arranging private tuition, one of the most common issues parents face is that they often leave […]
Avoid the summer slump
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018Brain drain… Is it a ‘thing’? Yes, without doubt. Many studies over the past 20 years have concluded that summer learning loss is real – not a myth. The facts are that children can: lose months of reading skills over the summer holiday take 6 weeks to regain skills that they ended the previous academic […]
When is it time to call in a private tutor?
Tuesday, June 5th, 2018You know yourself that life doesn’t always go to plan. As adults we learn to pick ourselves up and keep going. At least sometimes… Our children, however, might feel so stuck in a learning maze that they can’t find the obvious way out. And it happens a lot more common than you’d think. Has your child missed school? Perhaps your child […]
Study smart this Christmas
Wednesday, December 13th, 2017Gah! Exams always appear at the most inconvenient times, don’t they? When it’s hot in the summer, or just before or after Christmas. The truth is, exams are a process that we all go through in life. So rather than feel ‘doom and gloom,’ aim to study smart this Christmas. Here’s our roundup of top […]
How to Stop Summer Brain Drain
Tuesday, June 27th, 2017The dreaded ‘brain drain’ strikes again! It’s a proven fact that children can lose two months’ worth of knowledge if their brains are not academically challenged. And worse, once back in September, they can take up to a month to get into the swing of things. That’s a quarter of a year of learning lost […]
The Big Benefits to Summer Learning
Monday, July 4th, 2016With some schools in Manchester and Cheshire already breaking up for the summer, that means many children have almost two months off. And even if your child has a 6 week break, it’s still a LONG time without any learning whatsoever. Did you know that American studies have concluded that ‘brain drain’ is real? Children […]
What’s every parent’s summer term nightmare?
Monday, June 27th, 2016Guaranteed to take the shine off the end of summer term is an unsatisfactory end-of-year report. It happens without fail… There’s nothing worse than seeing your child in floods of tears as they’ve not achieved ‘expected progress.’ Or watching their self-esteem plummet to the floor, disillusioned that they’ve tried so hard and yet haven’t done as […]
How to turn a bad report into a good one
Monday, July 13th, 2015Just like adults, children are very sensitve about criticism. And just like adults, they struggle to articulate how they feel sometimes. When it comes to school, dealing with the disappointment of an end-of-year report can be tough. Some children shrug their shoulders to give you the impression they’re not bothered – when in fact they […]