Starting Secondary School can be fraught with worry for many children. Will I make friends? Will I cope with loads of homework? Will older children bully me? Often, children take to new experiences like a duck to water. Others, however, seem to sink under the weight of it all. But what are the tell-tale signs that your […]
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Archive for the ‘high school’ Category
Is your child struggling in their new school?
Thursday, September 28th, 2017Is tutoring too tiring?
Monday, December 16th, 2013Over the last few months there have been lots of reports that tutoring can be damaging to children. Just this month one headmaster said private tutoring overloads children with work and makes them too tired. If you’re thinking about hiring a private tutor how do you ensure it’s a positive experience that benefits your child? […]
Literacy and maths in the UK – are we failing our children?
Friday, October 25th, 2013This month the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released the results of a large study measuring the literacy and numeracy skills of 16 to 24-year-olds across the world. The results for England were shocking – 22nd for literacy and 21st for numeracy out of 24 countries in the study. The study involved testing […]
Lorna’s journey
Wednesday, August 7th, 2013If you read our blog regularly, follow us on facebook or twitter (@121HomeTutors) you may have seen us mention Alison’s niece, Lorna, in the last few weeks. Alison, MD at 121 Home Tutors, wanted to show the journey that Lorna is going through at the moment. A few weeks ago she was sitting her GCSEs […]
Shorter school holidays make for more successful students
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013Last month Michael Gove, Education Minister, argued that pupils in England should spend more hours in school each day and have shorter holidays. Speaking at an education conference he said that the most successful education system (in East Asia) has both longer days and fewer holidays. He argues that our education system was designed to […]
State, independent, religious – what will you choose?
Thursday, March 14th, 2013On 1st March Year 6 students found out which secondary school they will be going to. In the news last week Nick and Miriam Clegg announced that their son will go a state catholic school. This has caused some controversy, as Nick Clegg has been vocal about the fact he is an atheist. However, his […]
Secondary school – did you get your first choice?
Wednesday, March 6th, 2013On 1st March Year 6 primary school children found out which secondary school they will be going to. Some local authorities report that over 90% of children were allocated their first place school. But data from 2011 shows those numbers vary depending on where you live. For many parents and children not getting into their […]
GCSEs to be replaced by EBacc – Part One
Thursday, October 18th, 2012In the last few weeks, a huge shakeup of the secondary education system has been announced. Michael Gove, Education Secretary, announced that GSCEs will be scrapped and a new English Baccalaureate qualification will be introduced from 2017. The EBacc is seen as more academically rigorous and is being introduced as a way to regain confidence […]
Exams – what happens if it all goes wrong?
Thursday, July 12th, 2012If you are in Year 10 (or your child is) then they are probably right in the middle of taking GCSE exams. Next year will be one of the most significant years of your life – when you will sit the majority of your GCSEs. What happens during that year can determine where you go […]
End of term reports – what do they mean?
Monday, June 25th, 2012It’s just a few weeks until the end of the academic year and that means school reports will soon be coming home. A school report is a good time to reflect on your child’s progress over the year and start to identify any areas where improvements could be made. At 121 Home Tutors we often […]