What can boost your performance, keep you on track and help you cope with anything the exam or study season might throw at you? Yep, you’ve guessed it: a balanced diet and sleep – and lots of it! Is that all? Well, it’s actually harder to nail than you might think. Slipping into bad habits […]
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Archive for the ‘Health’ Category
How to Get Mind and Body Fit
Friday, October 30th, 2020ANY exercise will boost brain power, increase resistance to illness and help concentration levels. That’s why getting your kids to move more can have a massive impact on their health and school achievements. As we explored in our last post, ‘Can Exercise Really Boost School Performance?’ getting fit is a no brainer. But where do […]
Can Exercise Really Boost School Performance?
Saturday, October 10th, 2020Are your children often glued to smartphones, consoles or computers? Very different to how we grew up: running about outside after school, climbing trees and meeting mates in the park were commonplace. Not so now. Yet studies have proven that physical exercise really does boost learning. How? And what benefits are there? Why exercise is […]
Is your child really ready for the new term?
Wednesday, July 29th, 2020Does the thought of a new term worry you? Has your child struggled like mad the past few months? Is your child prepared to take on new challenges? Are entrance or final GCSEs or A Level exams looming? With the Covid-19 pandemic severely affecting education, there is no doubt that our children will have experienced […]
How to help your child handle stress better
Saturday, June 8th, 2019More than ever before children between 5 and 19 have ongoing mental health issues. In fact, anxiety and depression has almost doubled in 15 years. Education and peer pressure, body image concerns and social media overload can contribute to a melting pot of stress… Of course, there are natural, every day anxieties and challenges which […]
The simplest way to improve your memory
Friday, May 31st, 2019Amazingly, your brain is on the go 24/7. It never stops! Even when you’re asleep, it’s busy. Makes sense then to nurture this incredible machine so that it’s in the best condition to take on all your learning challenges. One of the cheapest and easiest ways to do this? Sleep! Yes, get a good night’s […]