We thought we’d come up with something a bit different for this blog as we know you’ll have some days to fill with the kids. Here’s a quiz and activity session to keep those brain cells ticking over, encourage your child to use different resources to find the answer – tv, newspapers, the library, the […]
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Archive for the ‘General’ Category
Summer holiday quiz
Wednesday, August 1st, 2012News: 100 new schools approved
Wednesday, July 25th, 2012Last week Education Secretary Michael Gove announced that 102 new ‘free schools’ have been approved. Many people aren’t really aware of what free schools are because they are a relatively new concept introduced after the last election. Free schools are free to attend, non-selective (no entrance exam) and paid for by the taxpayer but not […]
What to do over the summer holidays – Primary
Friday, July 20th, 2012If you have children in primary school then you are probably already in the summer holidays or fast approaching them. If your child is in reception then this could be the first time that you are faced with six weeks trying to keep your child occupied. We thought we’d round up a few ways to […]
Exams – what happens if it all goes wrong?
Thursday, July 12th, 2012If you are in Year 10 (or your child is) then they are probably right in the middle of taking GCSE exams. Next year will be one of the most significant years of your life – when you will sit the majority of your GCSEs. What happens during that year can determine where you go […]
End of term reports – what do they mean?
Monday, June 25th, 2012It’s just a few weeks until the end of the academic year and that means school reports will soon be coming home. A school report is a good time to reflect on your child’s progress over the year and start to identify any areas where improvements could be made. At 121 Home Tutors we often […]
Moving from primary to secondary school
Friday, June 15th, 2012In just a few weeks thousands of children will be leaving primary school for the last time as they move up to secondary school in September. This is a major change for most children as they have been in the same environment for the last 5 or 6 years. So what can you do to […]
Summer study schools
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012With the summer holidays fast approaching (just a couple of months away) you might be thinking about how you can encourage your child to keep on studying, stay ahead of the crowd or catch up on a subject they have struggled with during the academic year. If you are doing A Level or at University, […]
Should our history lessons be history?
Tuesday, May 15th, 2012Last month Professor Robert Tombs, a history fellow at St John’s College, Cambridge, dammed history teaching in England and Wales. His report said history teaching in our schools is fragmented and misses out swathes of important information. The reported pointed out gaps in knowledge, particularly in historical education pre 1870. The main concerns raised were […]
Changes to GCSE
Monday, April 16th, 2012This year we will start to see changes to GCSEs, moving away from modular schemes and the opportunity for multiple resits back to a linear (terminal) exam system where all exams are taken in one sitting at the end of the course. These changes have come out a lack of confidence in the GCSE qualification […]
Is there ever a stupid question?
Thursday, March 8th, 2012New research suggests that secondary school pupils are so scared of looking stupid in maths lessons they will not tell their teachers if they do not understand. The survey found that most children would rather ask friends or family than risk the embarrassment of getting the answer wrong and many felt like they should already […]