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Archive for the ‘General’ Category

State, independent, religious – what will you choose?

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

On 1st March Year 6 students found out which secondary school they will be going to. In the news last week Nick and Miriam Clegg announced that their son will go a state catholic school. This has caused some controversy, as Nick Clegg has been vocal about the fact he is an atheist. However, his […]

Secondary school – did you get your first choice?

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

On 1st March Year 6 primary school children found out which secondary school they will be going to. Some local authorities report that over 90% of children were allocated their first place school. But data from 2011 shows those numbers vary depending on where you live. For many parents and children not getting into their […]

Are home schooled children getting the support they need?

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

As parents we know the quality of schools across the UK varies but those who home school and want to access official support face the same inequality.  A report by the Commons Select Committee, released just before Christmas, into the assistance for those who homeschooled showed there was considerable variation in the support available to […]

Ready for 2013?

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

By now you’ll be well into a lovely long break over Christmas and New Year. It’s important to have some downtime but this is also a great time to reflect on how the year has gone and if your first term back at school has been enjoyable and successful. Now is a great time to […]

Is txt speak the future?

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

Did you know 20 years ago this month the first ever text message was sent. A Vodafone employee sent a message from his computer to a colleague’s mobile phone – then known as a telenote message (and for those interested it said ‘Merry Christmas’). Fast forward twenty years and telenotes have become texts and around […]

How did you learn to read?

Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Can you cast your mind back and remember how you learnt to read? How does it compare with how your children have learnt to read? In most UK schools children are taught to read using a phonics system (decoding words by sounds) but the debate about whether this is the best method continues to rumble […]

Numeracy skills add up to good job prospects

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

When was the last time you had to do a bit of mental arithmetic at work? Tot up your hours for a timesheet?  Understand a graph or chart for a presentation?  Last week the BBC reported that 17 million working age people in England have only primary school level maths skills and there are fears […]

GCSEs to be replaced by EBacc – Part One

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

In the last few weeks, a huge shakeup of the secondary education system has been announced. Michael Gove, Education Secretary, announced that GSCEs will be scrapped and a new English Baccalaureate qualification will be introduced from 2017. The EBacc is seen as more academically rigorous and is being introduced as a way to regain confidence […]

How to feed your brain

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

We know healthy eating in schools is a hot topic, mostly thanks to chef Jamie Oliver making a big fuss about the state of school dinners and the rising obesity epidemic in this country. We speak to parents all the time and we know there is lots of guidance around what children should and shouldn’t […]

A new year, a fresh start

Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

It’s September and the start of a new academic year. It’s the perfect time to set some new year’s resolutions when it comes to school and study! Concentrate on the positive and going forward. If you had a bad year last year then it’s important to reflect on what happened and how you could improve […]