It’s true! Science proves beyond doubt that there are certain learning and revision techniques which just work. If you find studying for your GCSEs or A Levels a hard slog, try these little beauties: Keep on movin’: Yes… Gone are the days where you have to stay cooped up in your bedroom for hours on end. Studies […]
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Archive for the ‘preparing for exams’ Category
What’s your secret revision weapon?
Monday, April 24th, 2017Facing GCSE or A Level exams can feel like you’re stepping into battle! And there’s no turning back… So, you have to decide right now: are you going in fully armed ready to take on anything? Or will you have no plan of attack and simply try and dodge the bullets? Metaphors aside, what’s one of […]
Exam failure isn’t the end of the world
Tuesday, December 27th, 2016Have you just taken your GCSE or A level mocks and didn’t get anywhere near your predicted grades? Perhaps you’ve exams after the holidays, and are worried you are just not performing at your best just now? Yes, that’s me. What now? First off, you’re not alone. Thousands of students like you will be feeling the same […]
How to get first past the post this exam season
Sunday, November 27th, 2016You’ll know from our last post – Testing times in education – that your child’s school life is full of challenge. And for some of you with teenagers facing mock exams in the next few weeks, it will be all too real. Of course this year, exams will feel much different than previous ones. At GCSE and A […]
Need last minute revision techniques that work?
Wednesday, May 4th, 2016May is officially the start of exam season! It’s also the time when panic can seriously set in if you haven’t got into the habit of regular revision yet. Rather than freak out, here’s how to get organised … fast! 1. Spread revision topics out over several days, rather than revise one subject intensively. This […]
How to Beat Exam Stress
Monday, November 3rd, 2014Does exam pressure worry you? An NUT survey revealed that children in Year 2 upwards are getting more exam stressed than ever before – with some avoiding school all together! How can you help your child overcome exam nerves? Whether sitting SATs, Entrance tests, GCSEs or A Levels, why not try these practical tips: Get […]
5 top tips for exam success
Wednesday, May 7th, 2014Exam season is here again. But are you ready for it? With just weeks to go before sitting your GCSE or A level exams, revision can feel overwhelming. And if you missed part of the course through illness, or lost confidence after a mock exam disappointment, it’s essential to make the most of any spare […]
Did you revise over Christmas?
Tuesday, February 4th, 2014Last year the Government decided to remove the modular exam approach to GCSEs and A Levels. They also removed opportunities for unlimited resits and instead students sit all exams at the end of the academic year (in June). The aim of the changes is to make learning more rigorous and increase standards at GCSE and […]
Be prepared – GCSE and A Level exam changes
Wednesday, November 20th, 2013In the last few months there has been a considerable amount of change in the way testing is carried out for both GCSEs and A Level. There has been a move away from coursework and module based testing throughout the year. Instead most schools are moving back to one main exam in May and June. […]