Facing exams? In your final year? Need to achieve your target grades? If the answer is YES to any or all, it’s time to get smart with the time you have. Smashing target grades doesn’t happen by chance. You need to: Get focused Apply strategies Drop those bad habits Let’s get cracking with the first […]
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Archive for the ‘preparing for exams’ Category
How to Prep For Exam Success
Wednesday, May 29th, 2024Exam success is on everyone’s minds these days. It really is the stepping stone to your further education or career choices… Naturally, you’re nervous. Everyone is. But don’t worry yourself about that. It’s normal. That’s why, with so much riding on GCSE or A Level exam results, it helps to keep a healthy perspective as […]
Exclusive English Literature Revision Tips
Tuesday, April 30th, 2024By the time you reach year 11, you’ll have studied plays, modern and Victorian texts, as well as a bunch of poetry – not to mention a series of unseen fiction and non-fiction for English Language. That’s a LOT of reading! As a subject in its own right, it’s important to understand how to best […]
Dodge These Common Exam Traps
Monday, May 29th, 2023Exams traps sneakily lie in wait ready to catch you out. In fact, every year some students hit a familiar obstacle which trips them up without fail. Don’t let it be you! Instead of discovering unexpected stumbling blocks in your year end or final exam, why not be clued-up ahead of any exam so you […]
Replace Bad Study Habits to Skyrocket Your Grades
Saturday, March 4th, 2023We’re all guilty of being creatures of habit sometimes, aren’t we? However, if you pick up bad study habits, you might lose more than you bargained for when you’re in your final GCSE or A Level year. Truth is: good habits make life easier. Bad ones could: Stop you from making progress at school Seriously […]
Speed Up Your Revision with Flashcards
Tuesday, April 5th, 2022Revision! Where DO you start? Seems to be endless information for each subject, piles of exercise books, study books. No wonder GCSE and A-Level students struggle to revise. Have you ever tried flashcards? We LOVE them! They are small cards with a question or prompt on one side, and a bite-sized answer or information on […]
It is never too late…
Thursday, July 2nd, 2020… to retake. Sometimes life doesn’t go to plan. Sometimes you have a bad day, week, or even year. You might miss taking an exam that you expected to sit, or else were too ill to attend. Then there’s the exams you worked like anything for, but they just didn’t work out on the day. […]
Relaxing ways to brush up your 11 Plus skills
Saturday, July 27th, 2019Sitting entrance exams can feel like you are going into battle – not just against yourself, but against many other local students all fighting for those coveted school places. Whether it’s the holidays or weekend, here are some fun ways to polish up on those skills – while maintaining interest and motivation: Be a bookworm […]