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Archive for the ‘Exams’ Category

How to boost your child’s self-esteem

Monday, April 25th, 2016

It can be heart-breaking for a parent to hear their child say ‘I’m rubbish’ or ‘I just can’t do it.’ Have you experienced this? The primary school environment can be highly pressured where a child’s self-esteem can easily take a hit if he or she gets low marks in a test, if there’s a change of […]

Summer Exams Countdown…

Monday, March 28th, 2016

The clocks going forward heralds exam season. A wake-up call for many GCSE and A level students embarking on the busiest three months of their education so far. It’s often a time when the realisation sets in for many a youngster that their future depends on passing key exams. With that comes panic. First things first: don’t […]

How To Create Your Revision Timetable

Monday, January 18th, 2016

For many of you taking exams in the summer term after Easter, it’s essential to get your revision underway now. Now’s the best time to perfect your revision timetable, and to address any grey areas you’ve always struggled with. Leaving this until after Easter will cause panic. So instead, here are some practical revision suggestions to […]

Is Your Child Under Pressure?

Monday, November 30th, 2015

It’s easy to forget with the term winding down to Christmas that many children feel under pressure to succeed this time of year. Since many Eleven Plus exams are often held just after Christmas – Stockport Grammar school’s is in January, for instance – December is most definitely a revision month. GCSE and A Level students […]

Have you got an exam tomorrow?

Monday, May 18th, 2015

Exams seem to strike fear into even the most confident student. It’s the moment you’ve been gearing up for since you first started school way back when. Finally, it’s here. It’s natural to feel nervous. Everyone feels this. The trick is to try to relax as much as possible the night before rather than sit […]

Can reading a book help you learn better?

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

In this era of tablets and smartphones, how we read is changing. Yet, interestingly, science shows that reading good old-fashioned books is still better for you than scrolling on an electronic device. An important consideration if your son or daughter is busy revising for their GCSEs or A level exams this summer. The overwhelming evidence is […]

‘Tis the season … for revision

Monday, December 1st, 2014

Tra la la la la la la la la. As the term winds down and festivities gain pace, it can be hard for children to manage revision during this jolly season! With mock exams often before or just after Christmas, and some entrance exams in January, how can children avoid exam panic and still enjoy […]

How to Beat Exam Stress

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

Does exam pressure worry you? An NUT survey revealed that children in Year 2 upwards are getting more exam stressed than ever before – with some avoiding school all together! How can you help your child overcome exam nerves? Whether sitting SATs, Entrance tests, GCSEs or A Levels, why not try these practical tips: Get […]

It’s never too early to get ahead

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

With year 6 SATs out of the way, GCSEs and A Levels in full swing, many students this time of year often wish they’d revised more or got to grips with that tough part of the syllabus earlier. Last minute revision can lead to panic. Feeling unprepared – and sometimes terrified – many children blank […]

5 top tips for exam success

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Exam season is here again. But are you ready for it? With just weeks to go before sitting your GCSE or A level exams, revision can feel overwhelming. And if you missed part of the course through illness, or lost confidence after a mock exam disappointment, it’s essential to make the most of any spare […]