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Archive for the ‘Exams’ Category

Dodge These Common Exam Traps

Monday, May 29th, 2023

Exams traps sneakily lie in wait ready to catch you out. In fact, every year some students hit a familiar obstacle which trips them up without fail. Don’t let it be you! Instead of discovering unexpected stumbling blocks in your year end or final exam, why not be clued-up ahead of any exam so you […]

Replace Bad Study Habits to Skyrocket Your Grades

Saturday, March 4th, 2023

We’re all guilty of being creatures of habit sometimes, aren’t we? However, if you pick up bad study habits, you might lose more than you bargained for when you’re in your final GCSE or A Level year. Truth is: good habits make life easier. Bad ones could: Stop you from making progress at school Seriously […]

Noticed These Three Red Flags?

Thursday, July 28th, 2022

Let’s be honest: growing up is tough. As children embark on a new phase at Secondary School, they often change beyond all recognition. How can that sweet young child seem to turn into an unrecognisable teen who you hardly know? Don’t worry: it happens to the best of us. And though it’s normal for teens […]

Speed Up Your Revision with Flashcards

Tuesday, April 5th, 2022

Revision! Where DO you start? Seems to be endless information for each subject, piles of exercise books, study books. No wonder GCSE and A-Level students struggle to revise. Have you ever tried flashcards? We LOVE them! They are small cards with a question or prompt on one side, and a bite-sized answer or information on […]

How to Win the Battle of History Revision

Monday, February 28th, 2022

History revision needs a smart strategy, much like some of the war campaigns you’ve studied. To ensure GCSE victory, here are many of our tried-and-tested revision techniques if you are embarking on an exam battle this year. Mission 1: Get your Facts Straight ‘Facts facts facts,’ Dickens once wrote in ‘Hard Times.’ When it comes […]

Aim for A in your Science Exams

Tuesday, October 5th, 2021

Nowadays it feels like Science exams are sprung on you all the time! Term-time tests, mocks, teacher assessments. But what if you keep underachieving? If you’re serious about a career in science – from Veterinary science to Marine Biology, Medicine to Engineering – you’ll need to smash those GCSE and A Level grades. A*s, no […]

How to thrive at school in the tough times

Monday, November 30th, 2020

One of the biggest fears children in education have is fear of the unknown. Will exams be on, won’t they? Will I be prepared for the future, won’t I? Am I taking the right or wrong GCSE/A Level options? The truth is, none of us can second guess what the future holds. Instead of feeling […]

It is never too late…

Thursday, July 2nd, 2020

… to retake. Sometimes life doesn’t go to plan. Sometimes you have a bad day, week, or even year. You might miss taking an exam that you expected to sit, or else were too ill to attend. Then there’s the exams you worked like anything for,  but they just didn’t work out on the day. […]

Master GCSE Maths Revision

Friday, December 27th, 2019

Maths is like Marmite – you either love it or hate it! If you are one of the students who just doesn’t ‘get’ Maths, revising can feel like a bumpy ride. Maths is also one of those subjects which parents struggle with too. How Maths is taught nowadays is really different to Prehistoric times! So, […]