Tra la la la la la la la la. As the term winds down and festivities gain pace, it can be hard for children to manage revision during this jolly season! With mock exams often before or just after Christmas, and some entrance exams in January, how can children avoid exam panic and still enjoy […]
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Archive for the ‘coping with exams’ Category
‘Tis the season … for revision
Monday, December 1st, 2014How to Beat Exam Stress
Monday, November 3rd, 2014Does exam pressure worry you? An NUT survey revealed that children in Year 2 upwards are getting more exam stressed than ever before – with some avoiding school all together! How can you help your child overcome exam nerves? Whether sitting SATs, Entrance tests, GCSEs or A Levels, why not try these practical tips: Get […]
It’s never too early to get ahead
Tuesday, May 20th, 2014With year 6 SATs out of the way, GCSEs and A Levels in full swing, many students this time of year often wish they’d revised more or got to grips with that tough part of the syllabus earlier. Last minute revision can lead to panic. Feeling unprepared – and sometimes terrified – many children blank […]
How long should I spend revising?
Wednesday, April 17th, 2013It’s only a few weeks until GCSE and A Level exams, with many starting in mid May and running until mid June. It’s when our students start to turn their minds to revision. The most frequent question we get from students is when they should start revising. They also want to know how and what […]