Every year, the GCSE and A Level examiners outdo themselves by throwing in cryptic questions which only Sherlock Holmes could crack! This year is no exception – if the Science and English exams are anything to go by… How can you get round this? It’s all bananas … or is it? How to handle the unexpected […]
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Archive for the ‘coping with exams’ Category
Expect the unexpected in your exams
Thursday, May 24th, 2018How to get yourself through the exams
Thursday, May 10th, 2018Exam season is finally here – whether you are sitting SATs exams, GCSEs or A Levels. Tutoring young people day in day out, we understand how important this point in your life is to you. We also know what a struggle it can be to get through it all – especially when you are not feeling confident. […]
Beat exam anxiety this summer
Thursday, April 26th, 2018Is your child facing GCSEs and A Levels this year? Look out for signs of panic: sleeplessness, complaints that they just can’t revise, restlessness and moody behaviour. The problem with stress is that it stops you from thinking straight. If you can’t think, you can’t process information. And when that happens, an already anxious head becomes overwhelmed fast. How […]
Help! I can’t cope with exams…
Thursday, March 15th, 2018This time of year feels like GCSE and A Level students are wading through a mud swamp! With teachers still completing the syllabus, practicals and coursework to finish – and endless mocks on top – it’s not surprising if your teenager feels up against it just now. What can your son or daughter do to avoid burn out […]
Eat Smart to Boost Exam Performance
Thursday, May 25th, 2017Did you know that food CAN improve exam performance? In fact, when you ‘eat smart,’ you can give your brain a massive dose of much-needed energy. Essential when you’re flat out revising and sitting exam papers… Tasty tips to feed your brain Don’t skip meals… Breakfast has been proven to be the best meal of the […]
Four fab stress busters!
Monday, April 10th, 2017Have you noticed your child showing signs of stress? Given that over half of schools across the UK recently reported an increase in kids feeling more anxious, stress is becoming a more common childhood experience than ever before. With endless pressure to pass exams and achieve – on top of the usual hormone battles – the mix […]
Exam failure isn’t the end of the world
Tuesday, December 27th, 2016Have you just taken your GCSE or A level mocks and didn’t get anywhere near your predicted grades? Perhaps you’ve exams after the holidays, and are worried you are just not performing at your best just now? Yes, that’s me. What now? First off, you’re not alone. Thousands of students like you will be feeling the same […]
Who says you have to be perfect?
Monday, May 16th, 2016With the year 6 Sats last week, reports in the media revealed how stressed children were in the lead up to them.. And how tough the tests were. Life, of course, is full of challenge. We can’t shield our children from that… After all, once they are in the job market, they’ll face stiff competition to get […]
How to boost your child’s self-esteem
Monday, April 25th, 2016It can be heart-breaking for a parent to hear their child say ‘I’m rubbish’ or ‘I just can’t do it.’ Have you experienced this? The primary school environment can be highly pressured where a child’s self-esteem can easily take a hit if he or she gets low marks in a test, if there’s a change of […]
Have you got an exam tomorrow?
Monday, May 18th, 2015Exams seem to strike fear into even the most confident student. It’s the moment you’ve been gearing up for since you first started school way back when. Finally, it’s here. It’s natural to feel nervous. Everyone feels this. The trick is to try to relax as much as possible the night before rather than sit […]