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Archive for the ‘Exam results’ Category

Exams – what happens if it all goes wrong?

Thursday, July 12th, 2012

If you are in Year 10 (or your child is) then they are probably right in the middle of taking GCSE exams. Next year will be one of the most significant years of your life – when you will sit the majority of your GCSEs. What happens during that year can determine where you go […]

All change for A Level

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Hot on the heels of planned reforms at GCSE level (discussed on our blog last month) there are now rumours of changes at A Level. This is an often see pattern in educational reform, changes are made at school level and then followed by changes at sixth form/college/A Level. The suggested changes seem to be […]

Changes to GCSE

Monday, April 16th, 2012

This year we will start to see changes to GCSEs, moving away from modular schemes and the opportunity for multiple resits back to a linear (terminal) exam system where all exams are taken in one sitting at the end of the course. These changes have come out a lack of confidence in the GCSE qualification […]

GCSE Results Day

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

With AS, A2 and A Level results behind us it’s now time to congratulate (and help out) those of you who’ve just got GCSE results. Hopefully they are everything you hoped for and you are now ready to move onto college to do AS, A2 and A Level courses or another type of further education […]

A Level Results day – what happens now?

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

It’s August and that means results day tomorrow for those of you who took your AS and A2 Levels just a few months ago. We’ve got our fingers crossed that you’ll get exactly the right grades you need to get your place at University on your chosen course. But what happens if things go wrong […]

How do I get a place to do Medicine at University?

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

If you want to study Medicine at university then you have to be ready for some fierce competition.  There are only a handful of universities that offer medicine and it is an academically demanding course that tests even those with the best grades.  But many students who intend on applying to do medicine fall down […]

GCSE results

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

This week it’s the turn of GCSE students to get their exam results. GCSE grades help students determine which A levels to choose at AS, or which college course, and it’s especially important that students pass their Maths and English GCSE with at least a grade C. In this post we offer tips on what to do if GCSE results are poorer than expected.

Disappointing A level results at AS?

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

A level results are out today and for year 12 students that means AS level results. In this post we look at some of the issues for AS students that didn’t get the grades they”d expected or hoped and offer some tips on a course of action.

A-level results day – what if you don’t get the grades?

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

A Level results are out, and students will be celebrating – or in a state of high anxiety. If you’ve missed out on the A2 grades you needed to get into your first choice of university you could be facing problems, as this is set to be one of the most competitive years for clearing ever. In this post we offer tips on the options available – the clearing process, retakes or even not going to university