Whether you’re facing mocks, final GCSE exams or starting a new year, learning how to boost grades in GCSE English is time well spent. Especially since it’s a core subject you NEED to progress to A level, Access courses or apprenticeships. Here, then, are just two ways you can boost and EVEN exceed target grades. […]
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Archive for the ‘English’ Category
Two Ways to Boost GCSE English Grades
Tuesday, January 28th, 2025How to Memorise Killer Quotes
Monday, March 27th, 2023As a core GCSE subject, you can’t avoid memorising quotes. And with several English Literature texts to study, that adds up to a huge honeypot of quotes! Just like Pooh Bear, it can be heard to memorise lots of quotes, especially when they all seem so important. Where do you start? Memorise Versatile Quotes What […]
Creative Writing Hacks to Impress GCSE Examiners
Sunday, January 23rd, 2022A whopping 25% of GCSE English Language marks are assigned to creative writing – such as a story or description in 45 minutes. Always a tall order as it needs to have all the right ingredients to WOW the examiner. For starters, the question usually reads like this: You have been invited to take part […]
Need to pass your GCSE English Language first time round?
Thursday, October 28th, 2021GCSE English Language is a sought-after qualification which you HAVE TO PASS at GCSE level. Along with Maths, English Lang is part of the retake system students enter up to age 18 in the UK – if they’ve not achieved grade 4. Both English Language and Maths GCSE are entry requirements to A Levels, Further […]
Entrance Exam Story Writing with Wow Factor
Tuesday, September 7th, 2021Writing a story or composition within 30 minutes is tough going when you’re against the clock. Though some entrance exams give a choice of composition questions, while others just set one, you need to get your skates on. A ‘what happens next’ question is a classic question that appears often. Continuing a story written by […]
How to Ace 11 Plus Comprehensions
Saturday, August 28th, 2021If your child is a budding mathematician, it’s likely that he or she could underperform in 11 Plus comprehensions. Some brains are more logical, while others are more creative. Some children – perhaps on the Autistic Spectrum – find numbers easier to negotiate too. Because entrance exams usually include a comprehension and writing task, it […]
Why is it SO important to be good at English?
Thursday, March 4th, 2021Your child’s journey with English starts from the moment they say their first word and listen to stories, to learning letters and how to write. Those early years are the foundation for KS2/3 to KS4. Some children, however, struggle through Primary School for all sorts of reasons, arriving in Secondary totally unprepared for the year […]