Are you a parent who’s worried about your child’s future? Perhaps their behaviour or grades have concerned you and you’re unsure how to help? Maybe you’ve been thinking about hiring a personal tutor for some time, but are unsure whether your child needs individual support? When is it time to get outside help? Your school years aren’t always […]
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Archive for the ‘Confidence’ Category
Six signs your child could benefit from private tuition
Friday, January 5th, 2018Is your quiet child invisible in class?
Sunday, November 5th, 2017Well-behaved children at school are the silent majority. And yet, it only takes one or two ‘noisy’ peers in a classroom to disrupt your child’s learning. While teachers do their best to curtail disruptive children, sometimes the quiet ones are overlooked. What could this mean for your child and what can you do to prevent it? Is […]
The Power of Praise
Friday, October 27th, 2017When your child comes home devastated if they’ve done badly in a test, didn’t secure the ‘expected’ levels or has bombed in an end of term mock exam, the first reaction is often to panic. If you find it bewildering how to help your child overcome disappointment, you’d not be alone. Some children don’t just ‘brush off’ a feeling of failure […]
Why hire a private tutor?
Sunday, October 15th, 2017Why are more and more parents turning to private tuition to support their child achieve? Everyone has a personal reason, of course. However, as one of the top tuition services across Manchester and Cheshire, here are just four reasons we constantly come across: A confidence booster If your child is struggling at school, and just can’t get a […]
Can your dreams come true?
Thursday, August 3rd, 2017What dream future has your child set their sights on? Maybe they want to be a scientist, a teacher, travel the world, be a doctor… Whatever the dream, education will help them move towards achieving those goals. Except, while that sounds fantastic, life can sometimes get in the way. For instance, many enquiries we receive from worried parents stem […]
Is your child shy or sensitive?
Monday, March 27th, 2017Is it true that children these days are more confident than we ever were? In some cases, yes. However, the truth is that many children are not as outgoing as we think they are. In fact, many shy or introverted children would rather disappear in a classroom than take centre stage! Is this your child? Introverted […]
How to get your de-motivated child back on track
Monday, February 27th, 2017Another slammed door. Another homework battle. Could your child be de-motivated? Here are some of the tell-tale signs: They avoid asking for help They get angry and frustrated easily They refuse to do homework They say they are useless or hate school As a parent, it’s so hard to face up to this as it’s not how it’s […]
Is your child too self-critical?
Thursday, January 26th, 2017Has your child ever said, ‘I’m rubbish,‘ ‘I’m such an idiot,‘ or ‘I’m useless’? Sadly, it’s far too common – and can be so upsetting to hear. What’s causing this confidence dip? And what can you do about it? Teenagers are bombarded by media images promoting perfection and the important of success. Meanwhile at school, the endless drive […]
How important is self confidence?
Monday, July 25th, 2016How confident is your child? Research just published shows that girls’ confidence deteriorates as they progress through their teens. Worrying, isn’t it? Adolescence is an inevitable battle as it is. With the onset of puberty, a host of physical, emotional and social changes hugely impact on teenagers. Add the pressures of achieving at school to the […]
How to boost your child’s self-esteem
Monday, April 25th, 2016It can be heart-breaking for a parent to hear their child say ‘I’m rubbish’ or ‘I just can’t do it.’ Have you experienced this? The primary school environment can be highly pressured where a child’s self-esteem can easily take a hit if he or she gets low marks in a test, if there’s a change of […]