How disheartening is it when your child brings home a dog-eared report from school stating that they are average, or failing to reach their potential? We’ve all been there. It really IS demoralising to see your child’s face crushed with disappointment after trying hard all year. Yet, often, it might just be a handful of […]
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Archive for the ‘Confidence’ Category
Is Your Child Failing to Reach their Potential?
Saturday, June 29th, 2024Does Your Child Lack Motivation?
Wednesday, December 6th, 2023Sometimes teenagers show no interest in learning. Every school day seems to be a struggle. Homework battles are epic. It’s as if our teens drift along like tumbleweed in the wind… Whatever happened to that mojo that burst out of them when they were younger? Can it be found again? Lazy or Lacking in Motivation? […]
Has Absence Affected Your Child?
Friday, October 6th, 2023Has your child been absent from school for some time this year? Or has intermittent or long-term staff absence been the problem? Perhaps your teen is still behind because of the fallout from the pandemic? Whichever it is, absence can hugely impact how your child’s education progresses. Why students are absent? A myriad of reasons prevent […]
Why Keep a Healthy Perspective On Exams?
Thursday, June 1st, 2023Are you worried that your child doesn’t have a healthy attitude towards exams? Perhaps they are stressing over results, worried about failure, or think they are not good enough compared to their peers? The truth is, exams are not everything in life. Actually, in the great scheme of things, while they are an important part […]
When Can Tuition Make a Difference?
Saturday, May 6th, 2023Have you ever considered private tuition, but decided to wait and see what will happen first? Many parents opt for this approach first hoping that the situation improves by itself, that things will just fall into place, that the problem is just a one off and will resolve itself over time. It’s understandable. Always good […]
How to Handle a Dip in Grades
Friday, November 4th, 2022It happens to the best of us. Dipped grades – then BOOM, your confidence plummets too. So disappointing, of course. But remember: it’s just temporary. Let’s instead think about the long game – not get flustered by occasional hiccups. So before we start, give yourself a massive thumbs up for trying your best. Let’s now […]
Face the Fear to Get Ahead
Tuesday, January 4th, 2022Fear can strike at any time, can’t it? And it can be so debilitating. After all, if you tell yourself often enough that you are: No good at something Can’t do it …. you start believing it. Our children, too, can get caught up in a cycle of negative thinking about school. Left to fester, […]
I just don’t get it! What to do if your child is struggling too
Friday, November 26th, 2021How many parents have heard, ‘I don’t understand’? Have you? Beneath this short phrase is a massive can of worms. Once open, it can spiral out of control – fast! First, you need to work out the trigger – and it’s not as easy as you’d think. Some children don’t want their parents to know […]
Is NOW the right time to hire a private tutor?
Friday, May 28th, 2021The Pandemic effect has led to much disjointed learning. Maybe your child has missed lessons, struggled with online learning and now hasn’t a clue whether they are coming or going? Is hiring a private tutor, whether you’re in Manchester, Cheshire or beyond, a good idea right now – or will it all just blow over? […]