The Pandemic effect has led to much disjointed learning. Maybe your child has missed lessons, struggled with online learning and now hasn’t a clue whether they are coming or going? Is hiring a private tutor, whether you’re in Manchester, Cheshire or beyond, a good idea right now – or will it all just blow over? […]
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Archive for the ‘do I need a tutor?’ Category
Is NOW the right time to hire a private tutor?
Friday, May 28th, 2021Thinking of arranging tuition? Why it pays to think ahead
Friday, July 5th, 2019The school year seems to whizz past so fast, doesn’t it? Before you know it, a new term arrives and you’re just not ready for it. Panic stations to sort out uniform, stationery, satchels etc.. When it comes to arranging private tuition, one of the most common issues parents face is that they often leave […]
Do you think you need a private tutor?
Friday, May 3rd, 2019How do you know if your child needs a private tutor? Is it obvious, or are there some telltale signs to watch out for? Interestingly, some children make it clear that they are struggling at school when they are negative about a subject, have special needs, or if their grades suddenly nosedive. Perhaps you have […]
When is it time to call in a private tutor?
Tuesday, June 5th, 2018You know yourself that life doesn’t always go to plan. As adults we learn to pick ourselves up and keep going. At least sometimes… Our children, however, might feel so stuck in a learning maze that they can’t find the obvious way out. And it happens a lot more common than you’d think. Has your child missed school? Perhaps your child […]
Six signs your child could benefit from private tuition
Friday, January 5th, 2018Are you a parent who’s worried about your child’s future? Perhaps their behaviour or grades have concerned you and you’re unsure how to help? Maybe you’ve been thinking about hiring a personal tutor for some time, but are unsure whether your child needs individual support? When is it time to get outside help? Your school years aren’t always […]
Why hire a private tutor?
Sunday, October 15th, 2017Why are more and more parents turning to private tuition to support their child achieve? Everyone has a personal reason, of course. However, as one of the top tuition services across Manchester and Cheshire, here are just four reasons we constantly come across: A confidence booster If your child is struggling at school, and just can’t get a […]
Can a private tutor really make a difference?
Tuesday, October 6th, 2015‘Time’ is something which none of us can get back. And yet we often come across children here in Manchester who struggle to achieve in the time they have, or who waste so much time and energy as they don’t know how to get the best out of themselves. Unfortunately, being in a class full of […]
Is tutoring too tiring?
Monday, December 16th, 2013Over the last few months there have been lots of reports that tutoring can be damaging to children. Just this month one headmaster said private tutoring overloads children with work and makes them too tired. If you’re thinking about hiring a private tutor how do you ensure it’s a positive experience that benefits your child? […]
How young is too young for tutoring?
Wednesday, July 10th, 2013Would you hire a private tutor for your two year old? Believe it or not some parents do. Recent reports have suggested that parents are signing very young children up for elocution lessons to prepare them for future educational settings such as prep school or Oxbridge. So is tutoring at such a young age necessarily […]
Is tutor regulation the way forward?
Wednesday, June 26th, 2013Last month was packed full of news about private tutoring and whether it is a good or bad thing. And we’ve spotted a few news items discussing whether tutoring needs more regulation. The Centre for Market Reform of Education is making plans to set up the first national association for tutors. The idea is such […]