Have you ever considered private tuition, but decided to wait and see what will happen first? Many parents opt for this approach first hoping that the situation improves by itself, that things will just fall into place, that the problem is just a one off and will resolve itself over time. It’s understandable. Always good […]
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Archive for the ‘can a tutor help?’ Category
When Can Tuition Make a Difference?
Saturday, May 6th, 2023I just don’t get it! What to do if your child is struggling too
Friday, November 26th, 2021How many parents have heard, ‘I don’t understand’? Have you? Beneath this short phrase is a massive can of worms. Once open, it can spiral out of control – fast! First, you need to work out the trigger – and it’s not as easy as you’d think. Some children don’t want their parents to know […]
How can a private tutor unlock learning difficulties?
Monday, March 29th, 2021Has your child has ever seemed stuck, angry about school, resistant to homework, worried about falling behind? It’s a familiar story here at 121 Home Tutors. Children can very easily end up in a hole that seems impossible to escape from. With parents, fraught about what best to do, it can be a challenging time. […]
Six signs your child could benefit from private tuition
Friday, January 5th, 2018Are you a parent who’s worried about your child’s future? Perhaps their behaviour or grades have concerned you and you’re unsure how to help? Maybe you’ve been thinking about hiring a personal tutor for some time, but are unsure whether your child needs individual support? When is it time to get outside help? Your school years aren’t always […]
Could a Teacher Shortage Affect Your Child?
Monday, April 4th, 2016You might have heard about the teacher recruitment crisis in the news? Schools are struggling to recruit qualified teachers across the board. With low starting salaries, many newly qualified teachers simply can’t get on the housing ladder and therefore don’t apply for jobs. As well as this, trainee teacher numbers are down for the third year running. And of […]
Do private tutors just help you pass exams?
Tuesday, July 1st, 2014This is one of the biggest myths about private tuition. The idea that tutors ‘coach’ children to robotically pass common entrance, 11+ or finals exams is wide of the mark. Undoubtedly, achievement is a top priority – judging by the countless parents and students who contact us to thank their tutor for helping them pass, […]
It’s never too early to get ahead
Tuesday, May 20th, 2014With year 6 SATs out of the way, GCSEs and A Levels in full swing, many students this time of year often wish they’d revised more or got to grips with that tough part of the syllabus earlier. Last minute revision can lead to panic. Feeling unprepared – and sometimes terrified – many children blank […]
Fractions for five year olds
Wednesday, August 14th, 2013In the last few weeks there has been a lot of press coverage about imminent changes to the national curriculum, aimed at raising standards within education. One of the most significant changes at primary level will be the introduction of the computing curriculum, which will see five year olds creating computer programmes rather than learning […]
Tutoring for gifted children
Tuesday, July 30th, 2013A few weeks ago a report published by Ofsted stated that clever children are being failed by our schools. Ofsted inspectors are concerned we have a culture of low expectation, meaning brighter children aren’t recognised or pushed to achieve higher grades. It’s a problem we see here at 121 Home Tutors. Class teachers often don’t […]
The Child Driven education
Monday, May 13th, 2013TED is an organisation devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It’s a fantastic resource for students (and teachers) to watch inspirational speakers talk about a variety of topics. We recently came across educational researcher Sugata Mitra talking at TED about children and teaching. “There are places on earth, in every country, where, for various reasons, good […]