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The Secret to Successful Revision is…

Successful revision techniques

We’ve all been there. Re-reading text book chapters until your eyes glaze over. Then hoping it goes in.

Trouble is, it usually doesn’t.

That’s because successful revision depends on you actively doing something sensible with your subject material – other than staring at it.

One painless way to ramp up your revision in half the time is to go with the flow. Sorry, we mean get visual. Create topic flow charts.

Really? That simple? Well, yes!

Let’s look at how flow charts are your secret weapon when it comes to remembering key info. Ready to take the first step?

What is Step-by-step Revision?

Visualising information helps you recall it. Fact!

Basically, a flow chart:

  • simplifies a topic – puts it into a sequence to help your brain remember it.
  • is a process, a way to organise complex (or a lot of) information into manageable chunks.

Order is especially important with flow charts since one side of your brain is rational and logical, while the other is creative and visual.

Why not combine the two to prioritise key information while revising?

How to Kick-start Successful Revision

Start at the start.

  1. Whatever the subject (from History to Chemistry, Geography to English Lit) pick a topic you need to revise and start with an overall topic name.
  2. Prioritise the steps as part of a process to help you keep track of stages, connect events, or sequence the effects of something as you work downwards.
  3. Use boxes to separate information, or use different colours, arrows – even draw basic images to show what happens.

In Literature, for instance, Macbeth murdering King Duncan sets off a chain reaction – has consequences.

You can log these (perhaps with a key quote) to help you recall or jog your memory later.

Because Macbeth murders the king at a time when regicide was considered a sin against God, the Jacobean audience would expect nothing less than a spectacular downfall. Pop those moments into a flow chart.

You’ll be amazed at much how this helps you remember the plot instead of losing the plot!!

The trick is to keep each step concise – not wordy.

Why not give it a go?

Need to Start Successful Systems Today?

When against the clock, and need to get exam savvy fast, arranging some private revision support can make the world of difference.

Our wonderful tutor team here in Manchester and across Cheshire are experienced at helping young people who’ve hit a brick wall in their learning.

From personalising lessons to your teenager’s exact needs to showing them how to implement revision strategies that work, simply get in touch to get the ball rolling.

Parents are always telling us what a relief it is to speak to someone who truly understands. We’re here for you too…

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