Have you ever considered private tuition, but decided to wait and see what will happen first?
Many parents opt for this approach first hoping that the situation improves by itself, that things will just fall into place, that the problem is just a one off and will resolve itself over time.
It’s understandable. Always good to look on the bright side…
How to Spot the Signs
Trouble is, like most people, you are busy juggling work and family life. Finding time in the day to address your child’s learning problem isn’t always easy. It happens to all of us…
Sometimes, too, our children don’t want us to know they are struggling – except you know something’s up as their behaviour has changed, school might have been in touch, grades have nose-dived.
That’s often when parents contact our tutor team – at their wits end, deeply worried about their child and unsure where to start.
Making a Difference is What Tuition Delivers
Children often mask their problems as they don’t want to lose face. But when issues at school build, anxiety can have a huge impact on their mental health.
Problems can then spiral out of control… Your child might say they are unwell, for instance, when really they might be worried about a lesson that day.
The good news is, the support of a tutor can prevent problems turning into bigger ones.
A subject specialist will not only root out the cause of your child’s stress, they will use personalised strategies to get your child back on track.
Tuition can make an incredible difference to a child’s:
- Exam results
- Confidence
- Opportunities and choices
- Motivation
- Problem solving capabilities
- Self-esteem and self-worth
As you can see, there are countless benefits to private tutoring sessions whether at your home in Manchester or Cheshire, or online wherever you are.
For us, seeing your child’s attitude, results and mental health problems transform completely in just a few sessions, is what drives our tutors to strive even harder with every tutee.
Speak to an Experienced Teaching Professional
Just pick up the phone or email our head tutor Alison to share the problems your child is having. It’s all confidential – without obligation.
Sometimes, just having someone who understands listen to you can make all the difference. Reach out to 121 Home Tutors here.
*Pic courtesy of third space learning
Tags: anxiety, Confidence, Exam results, mental health, self-esteem, stress