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The Best Place to Revise Is…?

where to revise

Picking the perfect place to revise is half the battle! After all, you need a place with limited distraction to make the most of the time you have.

Being productive and consistent are your main aims. But what are your choices? What are the pitfalls? Is it worth mixing up where you revise?

Is my bedroom the best revision spot?

Yes – and no!

First up, you can set up your study space exactly as you want it with all your folders and books to hand.


  • Shut the rest of the house out to focus on several subjects
  • Unplug your TV, put your phone away and get busy
  • The kitchen is nearby for drink/snack breaks


  • If you’ve brothers and sisters, they could be a huge distraction
  • The Internet is addictive. You have to be so strict with yourself
  • If you share a bedroom, you might have to revise in a busier location in the house

Could a friend’s house be an ideal option?

There are merits aplenty when you revise with a friend:

  • Talk through difficult concepts together
  • Test each other out
  • Learn from each other’s answers

All sounds brilliant. Except:

  • Revision chat can turn into general chit chat – we’ve ALL been there
  • If your friend knows shed loads more than you, it can be disheartening
  • You have to get there – and that might take some organising

Should I revise at school or in a public place?

Studying at school or a public library might really work for you occasionally, especially if you want to study something specific:

  • Need access to study books if you’re not allowed to take them home
  • Want to do some research in a quiet library, or ask a teacher something
  • Find working at home horribly distracting

However, there are some snags to this:

  • Libraries often close early
  • No free desk during busy times
  • Might be impractical if you an early bird or night owl

The truth is: different places work for different people. Instead, you might find a combo of the above work really well for you.

Wherever you pick, make sure that you plan what you are going to revise first rather than take a random approach.

Rotating where you revise might also keep your motivation up…

Still stuck? Unsure how to revise?

Many young people we tutor often struggle with key subjects such as English, Maths and Science, as well as other specialised subjects such as Modern Languages or History.

GCSE and A Level exams seem to come from nowhere in your final year.

And, what with teachers constantly setting mock exams when you’re still struggling to nail the syllabus, it can feel quite scary.

Good news is, help is at hand. We’ve a bunch of the best teachers and tutors both in Manchester and Cheshire – and online wherever you are.

Private tuition is a great way to navigate through tricky stuff fast – and help you hit those target grades. Hit the link here to get in touch.


Pic courtesy of Love Learning

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