Has your child has ever seemed stuck, angry about school, resistant to homework, worried about falling behind? It’s a familiar story here at 121 Home Tutors.
Children can very easily end up in a hole that seems impossible to escape from. With parents, fraught about what best to do, it can be a challenging time.
And if your child has missed any school recently through illness, anxiety or learning disruptions, children simply don’t have the strategies they need to climb out of the trap they are in.
Can a tutor help my child find their way?
Yes! First of all, when you enlist the help of private tutor, they have the time to ask questions, and get to the heart of the problem fast.
In a classroom scenario, many students feel they can’t admit to their issues publicly – afraid of losing face in front of their peers. At home, many children resist their parents trying to help too. Stalemate.
What’s remarkable is that in a 1:1 setting with an experienced tutor, so many learning barriers come down. There’s no audience, there are no classroom triggers, and no social situations to navigate.
Because EVERY SECOND is devoted to your child’s exact learning needs, face-to-face or one to one attention can quickly turn things around. Is it really that simple?
Tuition is ALL about trust
The truth is, an experienced tutor teaches holistically – so they ask about your child’s interests, how their footie team did at the weekend, their dog’s latest escapades! They’ll share pictures of their own cat/dog and build a friendly rapport.
Once trust is established early on, you’ll find your child shares problems with their tutor that they’d never tell their teacher. And sometimes even you. They want their parents to be proud of them, not see their weaknesses exposed sometimes.
Needless to say, once that happens, a child starts to feel safe. Safe to tackle their learning difficulties, safe to open up without fear of losing face.
Entrust 121 Home Tutors to unlock learning problems
We don’t have magic wands, but we do know how to get the best out of a child.
When you support primary school children, teenagers through secondary school and college, or adult learners, for as long as we have, we’ve built up a wide repertoire of strategies that can do just that.
When you too need to do the same – get the BEST out of a situation and turn things round – get in touch for a natter with our tuition team. Even if we can simply advise you, we would be happy to help.
Tags: adult learning, anxiety, homework problems, learning difficulties, resistant to learning