Sitting entrance exams can feel like you are going into battle – not just against yourself, but against many other local students all fighting for those coveted school places. Whether it’s the holidays or weekend, here are some fun ways to polish up on those skills – while maintaining interest and motivation: Be a bookworm […]
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Archive for 2019
Relaxing ways to brush up your 11 Plus skills
Saturday, July 27th, 2019Thinking of arranging tuition? Why it pays to think ahead
Friday, July 5th, 2019The school year seems to whizz past so fast, doesn’t it? Before you know it, a new term arrives and you’re just not ready for it. Panic stations to sort out uniform, stationery, satchels etc.. When it comes to arranging private tuition, one of the most common issues parents face is that they often leave […]
Weapons of mass ‘digital’ distraction
Thursday, June 27th, 2019Our children are fast growing up! As they find their way in the world, they are feeding their brains with a digital diet – far removed from the childhood we recognise. Today, communication is instant. No sending letters via postboxes, or dialling curly-flexed telephones. Our kids text and Snapchat instantly on their own smartphones… Where […]
How to help your child handle stress better
Saturday, June 8th, 2019More than ever before children between 5 and 19 have ongoing mental health issues. In fact, anxiety and depression has almost doubled in 15 years. Education and peer pressure, body image concerns and social media overload can contribute to a melting pot of stress… Of course, there are natural, every day anxieties and challenges which […]
The simplest way to improve your memory
Friday, May 31st, 2019Amazingly, your brain is on the go 24/7. It never stops! Even when you’re asleep, it’s busy. Makes sense then to nurture this incredible machine so that it’s in the best condition to take on all your learning challenges. One of the cheapest and easiest ways to do this? Sleep! Yes, get a good night’s […]
Perform at your best in any exam
Wednesday, May 8th, 2019Exams – whether SATs, GCSEs, A Levels or entrance tests – can strike fear into all of us. Whether you’re days, weeks or months away from that first big test, you’re bound to feel a bit jittery. Worry not – there are plenty of things you can do to make sure that you sail through […]
Do you think you need a private tutor?
Friday, May 3rd, 2019How do you know if your child needs a private tutor? Is it obvious, or are there some telltale signs to watch out for? Interestingly, some children make it clear that they are struggling at school when they are negative about a subject, have special needs, or if their grades suddenly nosedive. Perhaps you have […]
Change a child’s life … be a home tutor
Thursday, April 4th, 2019Are you a classroom-based teacher looking for more flexibility and freedom in your working week? Perhaps you’ve tutored all your own children yourself and want to do the same for other families? Perhaps you’ve had children and still want to teach without all the paperwork and imposed time limits? Maybe you’ve just moved into Cheshire […]
Keep Calm and Revise
Friday, March 29th, 2019Nerves can get the better of all of us sometimes. But when you’re just about to take important exams, it’s vital to hold your nerve. The trouble is that exam anxiety can be crippling. Our tutor team here at 121 Home Tutors support students with this issue all the time, especially those facing GCSEs and […]
Why it is vital to learn reading skills for exam success
Wednesday, March 6th, 2019Hot on the heels of our popular recent post on Dyslexia, we’re back to help your child access reading and harness helpful tools. One of the biggest problems our 121 tutor team come across is children who struggle to process information – and therefore answer questions correctly under exam conditions. Some children sitting SATs, Entrance […]