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Master GCSE Maths Revision

Maths is like Marmite – you either love it or hate it! If you are one of the students who just doesn’t ‘get’ Maths, revising can feel like a bumpy ride.

Maths is also one of those subjects which parents struggle with too. How Maths is taught nowadays is really different to Prehistoric times! So, let’s get your Maths mojo back.

It’s more than just the numbers…

Maths encompasses more than understanding numbers; it’s about spotting patterns, knowing short cuts, remembering formulae, knowing what steps to take to crack a challenge.

Where do you start?

  1. Know your syllabus. Break it down into all topics that the exam papers cover. At this stage, you can earmark your weakest topics by colour coding them. Red might represent hard topics, blue might be for ones you are confident in.
  2. Understand the basics. Familiarise yourself with common core concepts such as fractions, multiplication, subtraction, probability etc.
  3. Create revision cards. While you are learning these core topics and subtopics, create flash cards with key facts and formulae.
  4. Start revising early to build up your knowledge. Some topics won’t be easy: you will need to break them down and practise questions until you ‘get it.’
  5. Practise multiplication tables and addition tables (number bonding).
  6. Revise with and without a calculator. Aside from the non-calculator paper, it’s essential you use your calculator (not rely on it) to check your revision calculations are correct. Learning your calculator short-cuts can save precious exam time too.
  7. Explore past and specimen papers. You need to be familiar with how questions are written so that you know what exactly certain questions are really asking you for. It’s not always clear especially with word problems.
  8. Use revision and practice guides. There are so many revision texts and practice workbooks to make revising easier. Use them! GCP ones are fab, though do check out ones for your spec too.
  9. Get online – be proactive. Stuck? Parent s shudder every time you ask them a Maths conundrum? Fear not. Check YouTube for ‘how to’ videos instead. Check if your school has a Hegarty Maths subscription or access to Maths Watch. If not, the Hegarty Maths YouTube channel is a go-to online Maths revision resource not to be missed. Take notes, pause, practise. Corbett Maths is also a fab online resource. Corbett’s 5-a-day worksheets are brilliant!
  10. Create a formulae checklist/cheatsheet. Use this when you first start revising. Over time, cut down its use as you become familiar with formulae.

Keep calm and get help

Because Maths is a core subject you MUST pass to progress, it’s essential you get on top of any problems ASAP. Because there’s so much to cover in the spec, you can’t afford to let things lie if you’re struggling.

On top of using revision tools online, plus your text books, a private tutor could also be the answer. Having someone help you look at a problem from another angle can make all the difference.

Here at 121 Home Tutors, we have a team of top Mathematics tutors across Cheshire and Manchester ready to help. Plus, you could also work with an online Maths tutor wherever you are in London, Glasgow or Tokyo!  Get in touch with our 121 Home Tutors team to find out more.


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