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Have you set your academic goals yet?

If you had a bad school year, dipped last term, failed an exam, didn’t do as well as expected or just simply didn’t get your act together, guess what? You can wipe the slate clean and start again.

It’s never too late to start! Though it seems daunting at first, if you take practical action now, you can reap the rewards later.

It’s worth it, right? Perhaps you’ve something you’ve always wanted to do, or have your eye on a fab course after your GCSEs. Maybe you’re looking further ahead, and realise there are several hoops to jump through to get there?  Let’s get cracking then, and apply some what/why/how logic!

How to set goals and stick to them

  1. WHAT? First work out what you need to achieve: this is a biggie as once you know what target grades you need, you can then set specific subject goals around them. So if you need a 6 (B grade) in English or Science, break down the grade into specific areas. Which elements of the course
  2. WHY? Next, why did you struggle with a text, exam, term? What reasons can you list? When you ask why, you can be honest about why you didn’t do well in the past and learn from them. Once you’ve a specific list of areas for improvement, you can then start taking positive action.
  3. HOW? If you just scraped a 4 in a test, you need to know how to improve. Ask your teachers for specific help; look over past papers and tests to see where you went wrong – then swing into action. You might need to look at how to develop better exam techniques, how can you remember things better, how can you change your lifestyle to make studying more effective?

Make the most of your time with a 121 tutor

Every year, one of the most common reactions we see to starting with a new tutor – whether face to face or online – is how targeted support can turn a student’s fortunes round fast. Plus raise flagging confidence!

Once you address previous problems which blighted progress, it’s amazing how things change. So don’t give up!

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