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How to study successfully without dropping grades

Just how DO you study? It’s surprising how many teenagers simply just don’t know. Revise this, revise that. But what does that really mean? What strategies should you be nailing?

The BIG problem with studying is?

Distractions! They’re everywhere. Social media, videos, texts, surfing the Internet… Before you know it, you’re stalling – wasting precious time. How, instead, can you keep your mind on the job without distracting yourself?

Strategies to help you focus

  • Eliminate distractions from the start. Put your phone in airplay mode, close all computer tabs, use a timer to set focus times and stick to them.
  • Set smaller deadlines. Simplify your study routine by chunking down subjects into topics. Then prioritise so that you tackle the most urgent deadlines first. This way you’ll avoid overwhelm…
  • Do what works for you. If you need silence, find a space where you can achieve that. (ear plugs if need be!) If you are an early morning person, study then. You’re likely to take more in, than if you slave away all day and evening.
  • Get a study buddy. One effective move is to study with a mate. Break down a syllabus, or exam paper. Teach each other something new each time. Work through questions together to pool ideas together. This can benefit both buddies!
  • Build ‘down time’ into your week. Effective study only happens if you recharge your batteries. Our fab private tutor team across Manchester and Cheshire are always offering this advice as it’s important to keep perspective, and study at a do-able pace.

Still need more study skills to help you cross the line?

Contact our friendly tuition team at 121 Home Tutors. Experienced at helping young people find their mojo, get in touch to find out more.

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