Is it true that children these days are more confident than we ever were? In some cases, yes. However, the truth is that many children are not as outgoing as we think they are.
In fact, many shy or introverted children would rather disappear in a classroom than take centre stage! Is this your child? Introverted children typically:
- Get on with their homework quietly
- Rarely ask for help in class
- Don’t make their feelings or thoughts obvious
- Think through things, rather than react straightaway
Sensitive children, on the other hand:
- Often take things personally
- Cry or get upset easily
- Can’t handle criticism well
- Dislike being the centre of attention
And yet, it’s important to know that shy or sensitive children are usually very good-natured and kind too. Wonderful qualities… This is why shy or sensitive children need a little more patience and encouragement to help them see that they, too, can achieve.
The power of kindness
Because shy or sensitive children are disposed to low confidence, it’s essential to adjust your approach. Try these useful ideas:
- Praise your child for trying, not just achieving
- Share that you too make mistakes so they know getting things wrong is part of learning
- Give your child the choice to make good decisions. ‘Do you want to learning spellings first or some Maths?’
- Speak calmly, without raising your voice
- Don’t let your child dwell on the upset. Change subject or do something else to help them move on
Tuition that nurtures
If your child is behind or not meeting expected levels in primary school, or is underachieving in GSCE or A levels, a one-to-one tutor can make all the difference.
At 121 Home Tutors, we have a team of the kindest tutors you’ll ever find across the Manchester to Cheshire area. Speak to Alison at head office to find out more.
Tags: Confidence, importance of praise, underachieving at school