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Learn a language to open new doors

The UK is a global country. With every corner of the world opening up, business and career opportunities are too…

China, once considered a threat to the west, is now a serious commercial player. Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, speaks fluent Chinese. Nestle’s CEO, Paul Burke, speaks six languages – explaining ‘Being multilingual creates a stronger connection with peers, employees and consumers.’

Language learning has never been more important. It is now statutory at Key Stage 2 and 3, though still an option at GCSE level. Sadly there has been a drop in GCSE Language uptake in French and German over the past two years, despite results being the highest ever.

Yet, the facts are clear. Learning a European and world language literally opens new doors.

1. Germany is the biggest exporting nation in Europe, offering unlimited opportunities to German-speaking job seekers.

2. There’s been an increase in schools offering Mandarin Chinese.

3. Here are ten languages highly sought-after by employers. German, Spanish and French are much in demand. But what are the other seven? Take a peek!

There’s little doubt that multilingual young people DO have more opportunities than monolingual job seekers. Not only that, but learning a language boosts cognitive skills too. This means children can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills faster than their peers!

Plus research reveals that children who speak a second language perform better in tests and exams. Worth learning the lingo, don’t you think?

Foreign language tutors on your doorstep

We find here at 1-2-1 Home Tutors that it pays to think ahead. If your child is struggling to get to grips with a modern language today, private tuition can open those doors tomorrow.

Call us for help whether you’re in Wilmslow, Cheadle or Stockport – or anywhere across Cheshire and Manchester.


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