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Is Your Child Under Pressure?

It’s easy to forget with the term winding down to Christmas that many children feel under pressure to succeed this time of year.

Since many Eleven Plus exams are often held just after Christmas – Stockport Grammar school’s is in January, for instance – December is most definitely a revision month.

GCSE and A Level students are affected too with mock exams adding to their workload. And even primary school children feel the pinch with teachers having to push them to exceed last year’s SATs results…

It’s hardly surprising, then, that our children often feel overwhelmed… Could this turn into stress? Of course, the last thing on a parent’s mind is that their child could develop mental health issues. After all, growing up has always been fraught with challenge.

What’s different today is that the pressure to perform is unrelenting. There’s more peer pressure, more competition, more cyber bullying.

Little wonder that YoungMinds reports there has been a 12% increase in children calling its helpline struggling to cope with exam stress. Last year, Childline reported a 200% increase in children receiving counselling for exam pressure.

Help is at hand

Try these practical suggestions:

1.  How to spot stressful signs

2. How to cope with exam pressure

Whether your child is struggling to revise, finding a subject tricky or has had their confidence knocked by a lower than expected grade, we can help.

Our fab team of entrance exam, SATs and GCSE/A Level tutors are ready to help you across Manchester and Cheshire. Don’t worry; call us for advice now…




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