There’s been a lot of talk in the news over the summer regarding university education. Now that the government has replaced grants with loans, there’s much to think about. Many students worry about how to cover all their outgoings during a university course.
So with student debt on the rise, it helps to look at your options. Here are some facts about student finance for you right here.
What if you don’t do as well as you hoped?
If you’re waiting for your A level results this week, no doubt finance will be one consideration on your mind. Another worry that most students have is ‘Will I get enough points?’
Sometimes life doesn’t go to plan. Of course, if you achieve the grades you need this week, all you need to decide is which university place to take up – and then go and bag your place through UCAS.
If, however, your grades are down on what you expected, don’t lose heart. There are still plenty of options open to you – including a possible place at your first choice uni.
You can ring up your preferred university to ask their advice. Who knows, they might have a number of ‘changed course’ offers available, perhaps combining your initial course with another subject.
Don’t forget to check out Clearing if you’ve had no offers, or if you need to look for other courses…
Take a gap year
Don’t succumb to the pressure to go to uni at any cost just because your friends are going. There’s nothing stopping you from taking a gap year.
It might even be useful breathing space to get some work experience, re-evaluate your options and perhaps re-take an exam.
Remember, while this is the start of your adult life and career, your exams don’t define you as a person. You’re not a failure if you don’t scrape enough points for a specific course. It might even be an opportunity!
If you are dead set on retaking, or need application support, give our 121 Home Tutors team a buzz. With personal tutors across the Cheshire and Manchester areas, we can help.
Tags: Gap year, student loans, ucas