Sometimes it can feel like it! Especially this time of year with Christmas hols throwing routines out the window.
For some of you, the homework battle might be all year round – the cause of many an argument or tantrum. Rather than let this negative situation continue, here are some useful tips to help:
1. Stick to a routine
If you are at home after school, this is easier to implement. Encourage them to complete their homework first so they can pursue their other interests afterwards. Get a copy of the homework timetable too so you can help them plan their time.
2. Praise Praise Praise
If your son or daughter battles with self-confidence, often this attitude is transferred to homework. Comments such as ‘I can’t do it’ or ‘I hate this’ reveal your child is struggling. And needs help.
Stay calm, read through the homework with them, and sit with them (if possible) while they do the task. Plenty of ‘that’s great’ and ‘well done’ will weaken that negativity cycle over time.
Why not make them a hot chocolate drink while they do the task? Make it a pleasant experience so your child doesn’t feel like it’s torture!
3. Inject fun into learning
There are some great online resources nowadays, plus apps, to hook your child’s interest in a subject. BBC Bitesize has some fab learning games, for instance. Or Google it! Fun online games Maths KS2/KS3.
Check out YouTube too; it’s an infinite source of ‘how to do’ videos.
It might not happen over night, but stick with it. Of course, if your skills are a little rusty and some one to one support would help, give us a call at 121 Home School Tutors.
Our bunch of tutors across Manchester and Cheshire are experienced at inspiring switched-off kids in no time at all!
Tags: homework help, homework help in Cheshire, learning apps, tuition in Manchester