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Archive for 2013

Private Tutoring in the news

Monday, June 17th, 2013

It’s been a busy month in the world of private tutoring with coverage across the media on whether tutoring is a good or a bad thing. A Guardian investigation said that modest income and ethnic minority families are behind the boom in tutoring. At 121 Home Tutors our students come from a wide variety of […]

What motivates us to learn?

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

At 121 Home Tutors we constantly exploring ways to engage students who have fallen out of love with learning, Our tutors are often faced with children (and adults) who have given up. Maybe they struggled with a topic for so long that learning became a chore. Maybe they struggled in the classroom because of a […]

Shorter school holidays make for more successful students

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Last month Michael Gove, Education Minister, argued that pupils in England should spend more hours in school each day and have shorter holidays. Speaking at an education conference he said that the most successful education system (in East Asia) has both longer days and fewer holidays. He argues that our education system was designed to […]

The Child Driven education

Monday, May 13th, 2013

TED is an organisation devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It’s a fantastic resource for students (and teachers) to watch inspirational speakers talk about a variety of topics. We recently came across educational researcher Sugata Mitra talking at TED about children and teaching. “There are places on earth, in every country, where, for various reasons, good […]

How to become a private tutor

Wednesday, May 1st, 2013

At 121 Home Tutors we regularly get calls and emails from people who are interested in becoming private tutors. Some of these people are already teachers, have teaching qualifications, have tutored in the past or have some sort of educational experience. However,  many have no teaching experience or qualifications at all and want to take […]

Is it worth investing in a private tutor?

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

A recent article in the Telegraph discussed the pros and cons of using private tutors for children who are already privately educated. The issue being discussed was whether, if you are already paying a substantial amount for your child’s education, should this be topped up with private tuition (and if so when do you need […]

How long should I spend revising?

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

It’s only a few weeks until GCSE and A Level exams, with many starting in mid May and running until mid June. It’s when our students start to turn their minds to revision. The most frequent question we get from students is when they should start revising. They also want to know how and what […]

Postgraduate degrees – what does the future hold?

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

At 121 Home Tutors we think it’s important to know what is going on in every area of education. Although the majority of our students are at primary and secondary level we also offer support and tutoring to A Level, University, adult and postgraduate students.  Our adult and post grad students sometimes come to us […]

State, independent, religious – what will you choose?

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

On 1st March Year 6 students found out which secondary school they will be going to. In the news last week Nick and Miriam Clegg announced that their son will go a state catholic school. This has caused some controversy, as Nick Clegg has been vocal about the fact he is an atheist. However, his […]

Secondary school – did you get your first choice?

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

On 1st March Year 6 primary school children found out which secondary school they will be going to. Some local authorities report that over 90% of children were allocated their first place school. But data from 2011 shows those numbers vary depending on where you live. For many parents and children not getting into their […]