It’s that time of the year when students in year 11 are deciding if they want to go onto sixth form or college and study A Levels. This is also the time when they have to decide what subjects they want to study. So if you are in this position how do you begin to pick the right subjects for you?
- The first thing to do is not panic! Not many people have a good idea of what they want to do with the rest of their life at 15.
- If you have a rough idea of a future degree or career then you’ll probably need subjects in that area. But it’s also worth considering a back up plan. So, for example, if you want to study Medicine and become a doctor you need specific science subject. You might also want to consider taking something that sits well alongside (such as psychology) to give you alternate career/degree choices or something entirely different (such as French) if you decide that career path isn’t for you half way through your A Levels.
- Always check university requirements in detail, if you have an idea of what you want to study at Uni thenyou need to check if they have any specific A Level requirements. Not all courses or universities do but make sure you know this before making A Level choices.
- The Russell Group is an association of 24 UK Universities. These tend to be quite prestigious and they publish a list of “facilitating subjects”, the advice is to pick two of these as A Levels if you want to apply to a Russell Group Uni.
- Don’t be pressured into taking subjects you don’t like or don’t want to study – two years is a long time to stick at something you hate.
You can find more useful advice in this article. If you want to know more about one to one private tutoring at GCSE or A Level in Manchester or Cheshire you can contact us here.
Tags: A level, A level results, A2, A2 results, Additional Science, AS, AS level