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Archive for 2011

Want to speak the lingo when you are abroad?

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

We’ve all been there, on holiday, in a restaurant and you’d really like to order something from the menu and not sound like a complete fool. So you attempt the schoolgirl French that you remember and then die of embarrassment as the waiter gives you a patronising look and repeats what you tried to say […]

What’s the point of learning a language?

Friday, May 20th, 2011

In the last few years the number of children learning foreign languages has dropped dramatically. In September 2004, they were removed from the compulsory curriculum for 14 and 15 year olds and since then the numbers taking GCSE languages, such as French and German has declined year on year. In GCSE French there has been […]

How to start learning a new language

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

This month we’ll be focussing on languages – bringing you hints and tips on picking up a new language whether you want to learn holiday Spanish or business French. You’ve decided you’d love to start learning a new language. Maybe you are going to Spain during the summer holidays and for once would love to […]

Revision doesn’t have to be boring

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

We’re now well into the Easter break  and it’s about this time most of our tutoring students are thoroughly fed up of looking at their notes.  At 121 Home Tutors we know tutoring works because we can do things differently than in a classroom. And in celebration of that (and the joy of revision!) we […]

Maths GCSE revision tips

Monday, March 28th, 2011

It’s just a few weeks until Easter (can you believe it!) and that means revision season is on us once again. Over the next few weeks you’ll see lots of hints and tips from 121 Home Tutors on how to get the most from your revision. This week we’ll focus on a particular subject area. […]

Homeschooling and private tuition

Friday, March 18th, 2011

Homeschooling (sometimes called home learning or home education) is teaching children at home, often by parents but frequently supported by a private tutor.  Some private tutors carry out full time homeschooling instead of parents. Homeschooling in the UK is a legal alternative to your child attending a state, public or private school. It is estimated […]

Jamie’s Dream School – what we think

Monday, March 7th, 2011

We’re all educators at 121 Home Tutors (and quite a few of us are teachers) so we were glued to the screen on Wednesday night for the first instalment of Jamie Oliver’s new programme, Jamie’s Dream School If you’ve not heard about or watched the programme then we’ll give you a quick rundown of what […]

How much does private tutoring cost?

Monday, February 28th, 2011

If you’ve just started investigating private tuition for yourself or your child then you’ll probably want to know how much it will cost. It’s a cost which has to be weighed up, after all it’s going to be an additional household expense every week and you may have more than one child that needs private […]

Tutoring gets children into Oxford and Cambridge

Friday, February 25th, 2011

Xaverian College in Rusholme, Manchester has hit the headlines because 12 pupils have been offered places to study at Oxford and Cambridge. At the moment about eight per cent of pupils in Britain attend private schools. That small percentage makes up about half of those who get places at Oxford and Cambridge. Peter Birch, Assistant […]

Private tutoring can make maths fun!

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

When you think of Maths and private tuition then fun probably isn’t what springs to mind. But at 121 Home Tutors one of our most requested subjects for private tutoring across Manchester and Cheshire is Maths. Basic numeracy underpins everything we do – from our weekly shop to paying bills but children often find it […]