In our last post on boosting your child’s exam chances we looked at some GCSE Maths tips. Today it’s the turn of a subject area that many mums and dads find no less scary – modern foreign languages.
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Archive for 2009
Top Exam Tips Part 2: GCSE Languages
Thursday, December 17th, 2009Top Exam Tips Part 1: GCSE Maths Help
Sunday, December 13th, 2009Are your kids ready for their GCSE exams? Or are they finding some subjects, like Maths, a bit challenging? Although we’re in the run-up to Christmas, now’s the time to be getting their heads around subjects they are struggling with.
What to look for in a maths tutor
Tuesday, November 17th, 2009Formal education A good maths tutor will need to have a good understanding and knowledge of the material that s/he is tutoring and so it’s important that they have a strong formal background in mathematics. When teaching young children, of primary school age, a tutor with at least a GCSE grade C in maths would […]
What makes a good tutor?
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009The first thing that is important when you want to find a good tutor is understanding what the student needs – whether that’s you or your child. That’s why when you come to us, we ask lots of questions and try to get to the bottom of your specific needs. Does a tutor need to […]
What to look for in a private tutor
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009The Daily Telegraph Independent Schools supplement (19th Sept 2009) had a few handy hints on tracking down and hiring a private tutor. They include: Using a trusted website like 121hometutors, where you can get a specialised, matched tutor recommendation and read what other parents say about the tutors. Focusing on one or two subjects at […]
Tutoring for the eleven plus exam (11+)
Friday, November 6th, 2009The eleven plus (11+) exam has always been something of a hot political potato with the main parties agreeing that it should be phased out. The compulsory 11+ exam ended 40 years ago but there are still 164 grammars schools and 36 local authorities that have selective schools. In Manchester and Cheshire, especially in the […]
GCSE English – tutor tips for learning
Friday, November 6th, 2009GCSE English is one of our most popular private tutor requests, with lots of tutors wanted near exam time. Many students love the topic but become overwhelmed when it comes to exam time, this is often because they aren’t sure what the examiner is looking for. So our GCSE English tutors put their heads together […]
A Level and Adult tutoring in Spanish
Friday, November 6th, 2009Spanish is a passionate, vibrant language and many adults often choose to study it when they fancy taking on a new challenge. Spain is also one of the most popular holiday destinations and 2nd favourite for us Brits. For school and college students it can be a good alternative to French or German and many […]